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Resource Materials and Guides



Posters are sent periodically to department offices for posting. For additional copies of posters, please contact the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance.

  • Title IX/Sexual Misconduct: You Have Options, a poster distributed throughout campus, provides information and resources about Title IX/Sexual Misconduct at Northwestern.
  • IDHR “It’s Never Okay” Title IX/Sexual Misconduct Posters: The State of Illinois mandates that Illinois universities display their poster addressing sexual harassment of students by faculty and TA’s.  The law provides that the posters must remain posted in various campus locations accessible to students at all times. For copies of this poster for display please contact the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance.

Syllabus Language

Optional Syllabus Language on Sexual Misconduct and Reporting

Northwestern University is committed to fostering an environment where students are safe and free from sexual misconduct. Confidential resources are available to those who have experienced sexual misconduct. Faculty, instructors, and TAs are not confidential resources and are required to report incidents of sexual misconduct, whether discussed in your assignments or in person, to the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance, which can provide information about resources and options. I encourage students who have experienced sexual misconduct to talk with someone to get support. For more information, including how to request supportive measures or file a report, see the Get Help page.

Optional Syllabus Language Regarding Discrimination and Sexual Harassment

The Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Syllabus is available on the University Syllabus Standards page.


Northwestern University: It's On Us

Created by ASG in support of a national movement to help shift college campus culture around sexual assault.

Northwestern Athletics: It's On Us

Created by Northwestern Athletics in support of this national movement to help shift college campus culture around sexual assault.

Consent: It's as Simple As Tea

Copyright 2015 Emmeline May, and Rachel Brian

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