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Room Reservations

Reservation Procedure

MSA accepts reservations during the academic year, with requests processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Reservations open at the start of the Fall Quarter and are available through the Fall, Winter, and Spring Quarters while classes are in session. Summer reservations will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. For summer requests, please email

By submitting a reservation request, you agree to adhere to MSA’s building policies and procedures. Please note that submitting a request does not guarantee a reservation; all requests are subject to review. MSA staff will respond within one week of your submission.


New Reservation Software: Mazevo

MSA has transitioned to the Mazevo reservation system (pronounced mah-zay-voe), which is Greek for "gather". Mazevo is cloud-based, user-friendly, and accessible on PC, Mac, tablet, and mobile devices. It allows easy event scheduling for both hosts and staff coordinating logistics.

To submit a reservation request, visit the Mazevo login page: Log in with your Northwestern University email and password, then click “Add New Request” and follow the prompts to schedule your event or reserve a space.

If you experience a single sign-on (SSO) error or need assistance, contact

Helpful Links

Our Spaces

MSA’s spaces were won through the courage and determination of student activists to honor the needs of the communities we serve. We ask you to be mindful of the unique legacy of each space when submitting your reservation request. 

The Black House 

Since the early 1970’s, the “Black House” has been a home away from home for Black students at Northwestern. The University created the space in fall 1968 as part of its agreement with students to end the Bursar’s Office takeover in April of that same year. In the “Black Student Statement and Petition to Northwestern University Administrators, April 22, 1968,” students wrote: “We demand a Black Student Union, a place to be used for social and recreational activities. ... Black students have nothing at Northwestern to call our own. We need a place where we will feel free to come and to go as we please.” Since 1968, and then when the Black House moved in 1972, the Black House has been and continues to be that place. 

The Multicultural Center (MCC)  

The Multicultural Center was established in 1999 as the result of advocacy from an increasingly diverse student body. Around this time, Latinx students began advocating for a space on campus, and in February 1998 the Associated Student Government unanimously passed the "Where's the Casa?" bill which called on the administration to create a Multicultural Center. A few years earlier, Asian American students advocated for an Asian American advisor position, and in 1995 initiated a 23-day hunger strike that led to the successful establishment of the Asian American Studies Program. The space was used by numerous cultural student groups, and in 2004, responsibility for the Multicultural Center was transferred to Multicultural Student Affairs.
