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The GSRC believes that working collectively helps avoid burn out in the community building and community education process. If you are an office or organization looking to collaborate with the GSRC we provide 3 options. 

  • Marketing Collaboration: All parties logos are on marketing materials and we work to spend the word about the event or initiative amongst out communication challenges 
  • Financial & Logistical Collaboration: We share the finical and administrative burden of an event or initiative. Our logos are on all marketing materials and we work to spread the word about the opportunities amongst our communication channel. 
  • Sponsor a GSRC event: The GSRC has very limited operational funds for our programing and is always looking for sponsors to help allow us to put on events. If you your office, organization or company are looking to sponsor an event or program series in the GSRC please reach out to Matt Abtahi to discuss the sponsorship benefits. If you are an alum or friend of Northwestern looking to give a tax deducible gift to the GSRC please consider giving to the GSRC Fund. If you are looking to give a larger naming opportunity of a GSRC space, position of program please reach out to Matt Abtahi.

Queer Affinity Group Microgrants: Are you a small group of 5 or more queer students looking to gather and need some supplies for a hang out? A lesbian lunch? An ace game night? A poly tips and tricks chat? The GSRC would be interested in sponsoring your small-scale event by helping pay for space or supplies on campus. Students looking for this type of sponsorship should have events that can be marketed through the entire LGBTQIA+ student community through GSRC newsletter and social media. This sponsorship ranges from $50-$200. If you are a registered student organization please consider applying for Inclusion NU and ASG affinity fund, as this limited grant opportunity is intended for groups that have no access to other funding sources. Please schedule a time to meet with Matt to explore if this grant is the right fit and what other campus funding sources might make sense for your needs.