Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion
The mission of Native American and Indigenous Affairs (NAIA) is to oversee the implementation of university-wide initiatives related to the inclusion of Native American and Indigenous students, faculty, staff, and alumni. NAIA also serves as liaison with tribal communities, building and sustaining partnerships with tribal nations, institutions, and community organizations.
The success of the One Book One Northwestern reading selection led to the formation of the Native American and Indigenous Peoples Steering Group, which worked during the 2016–17 academic year to sustain the momentum and interest in Native and Indigenous people, history and culture. In addition, a temporary, one-year staff position was created in the Office of the President to help support the group and advise Northwestern on its broader efforts moving forward. In 2017, oversight of this work shifted to the Office of Institutional Diversity and Inclusion. That year, the office hired a senior program coordinator for Native American and Indigenous Initiatives to help lead and coordinate the work across the University. OIDI now oversees the implementation of University-wide initiatives around Native American and Indigenous inclusion.
NAIA Goals:

Relationships- build strong, sustainable relationships with Native Nations, institutions and communities in order to promote understanding, collaboration, unity and healing
Visibility- increase awareness and presence of Native American and Indigenous worldviews and experiences towards personal, collective and institutional growth
Knowledge- support academic and research opportunities that promote the recentering and advancement of Indigenous knowledge
People- develop opportunities for community building and support the creation of pathways for current and future Northwestern students, faculty, staff and alumni
NAIA Initiatives:
Lead the Native American and Indigenous Strategic Planning process and chair the Planning Committee
- Chair the Native American and Indigenous Peoples Steering Group and convene on quarterly basis
- Land acknowledgement trainings for campus units;
- Host annual visit from Native American Leadership Council;
- Fulfill Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Chicago American Indian Community Collaborative (CAICC)
- 30 Days of Indigenous: Native American Heritage Month programming;
- Publish annual update to the Native American Outreach and Inclusion Task Force Recommendations;
- Support Indigenous presence in University traditions such as Wildcat Welcome, Commencement, Presidential Inauguration, etc.
- Host Annual Sand Creek Massacre Commemoration in Fall;
- Sponsor annual Sand Creek Spiritual Healing Walk/Run in Colorado
- Host annual Native American & Indigenous Welcome Reception
- Co-Host Annual Native American and Indigenous Community Celebration in spring
Jasmine Gurneau (she/hers), Oneida/Menominee
Director, Native American and Indigenous Affairs