Purchasing & Payments
https://www.northwestern.edu/procurement/purchasing/vendor-file-management/index.htmlExplore this section for information regarding:
- Vendor Processing - View and Maintain Vendor Information: Look up, view, add or modify vendor information; foreign vendor maintenance.
- Preferred Vendors: Reference preferred vendor list; understand bid and sole justification processes.
- Ordering Goods and Services: Review purchasing roles and purchasing methods.
- Receiving Goods and Services: Identify which types of orders require entry of a receipt.
- Payment for NUFinancials Purchase Orders: Follow the invoice payment process for NUFinancials catalog and non-catalog orders.
- Payment for Other Goods and Services: Select the appropriate payment method for the goods or services purchased. ie. Petty Cash, Corporate Card, DPR, etc.
- Returns and Exchanges: Pay all invoices first, then submit the credit memo to Accounts Payable.