Research Misconduct
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What is research misconduct?
Research misconduct is falsification, fabrication, plagiarism, or other serious deviation from commonly accepted practices in the relevant scientific community for proposing, performing or reviewing research, or in reporting research results. Research misconduct does not include honest error or differences in opinion.
How to report research misconduct
Reports can be made via online form or directly to the University’s Office for Research Integrity office.
File an Online Report
Reporter: Any individual can use EthicsPoint, which has anonymous reporting options.
Confidentiality: While such complaints will retain anonymity, the University's ability to investigate and respond to anonymous complaints is limited.
File an EthicsPoint ReportReport to Research Integrity Staff
Reporter: Any individual may report research misconduct.
Confidentiality: The Office for Research Integrity has an obligation to maintain strict confidentiality relative to any research misconduct allegations and proceedings.
Contact Research IntegritySupport and Resources
Dealing with any compliance issue is difficult. The University has resources to help you deal with challenging situations.
Key University Contact
- For general inquiries and concerns, contact the Office for Research Integrity at 312-503-0054 or
- Northwestern's Research Integrity Officer is Lauran Qualkenbush, Senior Director, Research Integrity and Training. Contact her at 312-503-7908 or
Frequently Asked Questions
Who will see my report?
The Office for Research Integrity will review your report. Northwestern makes reasonable efforts to honor requests of anonymity to the extent possible consistent with a thorough, competent, objective, and fair research misconduct proceeding, and as allowed by law.
What will happen to me after I report?
If the complainant is known and not anonymous, the Research Integrity Officer (RIO) monitors the treatment of individuals who bring allegations of research misconduct and those who cooperate with inquiries or investigations.
Northwestern University ensures that these individuals are not retaliated against and the RIO reviews instances of alleged retaliation for appropriate action. Individuals should immediately report any alleged or apparent retaliation to the RIO. Under federal regulations and Northwestern policy, persons who raise allegations in good faith are protected from retaliation.
What are the next steps? Will I be told the resolution or outcome of what I shared?
You may be contacted by ORI staff to meet to discuss your concerns and explain the research misconduct process. If you decide to proceed as a complainant in the matter, you will be informed of the outcome at each stage of the process.