Student Code of Conduct
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What is a Student Code of Conduct violation?
As members of the Northwestern community, all students, groups of students, and student organizations are expected to model exceptional conduct, character, and citizenship on campus and beyond. The Student Code of Conduct, as detailed each year in the University’s Student Handbook, sets the community standards students are expected to align themselves with both on- and off-campus. Student hosts are additionally responsible for any policy violations of their on-campus guests.How to report Student Code of Conduct violation
File an Online Report
Reporter: Any individual may report behavioral concerns related to the Student Code of Conduct
Confidentiality: While complaints may be submitted anonymously, the University's ability to investigate and respond to anonymous complaints is limited. In limited situations, the Office of Community Standards may be able to anonymize information about reporters or impacted parties when sharing it with student respondents, even when the reporter is forthcoming with those details in the report.
File a Community Concerns ReportEmergent Concerns
In cases of emergency, or if a student is in imminent danger of harming themselves or others, call 911 or contact the Northwestern Police Department at 847-491-3456. Do not use the online form to report events that present an immediate threat to health or safety.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who will see my report?
Community Concerns Reports are reviewed by members of the Dean of Students staff, including members of the Office of Community Standards when appropriate. In cases where behaviors fall outside the Student Code of Conduct but within another University policy’s purview, the report may be referred to another office.
What will happen after I report?
University staff may contact you if there are additional questions about the information you reported. In cases where reporters are requesting anonymity, staff can also discuss your options specific to the context of what is being shared.
What are the next steps? Will I be told the resolution or outcome of what I shared?
The Office of Community Standards staff will review the report and work collaboratively with campus partners to ensure the concerning behavior is addressed appropriately. In most situations, the reporter will not be made aware of the resolution or outcome.
Who can I talk to if I have questions about the Student Code of Conduct?
If you have questions about what falls within the scope of the Student Code of Conduct, you can contact the Office of Community Standards via email at or via phone at 847-491-4582.