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Northwestern Professors


Caroline H. Bledsoe: Melville J. Herskovits Professor of African Studies
Connection to One Book: Teaches “Making Numbers Talk” in Anthropology Department

John C. Hudson: Professor; Director of Geography Program; Associate Director of Environmental Sciences Program
Connection to One Book: Teaches “Atmosphere and Climate,” “Economic Geography,” and “Human Use of the Earth” in Anthropology Department

Chris Kuzawa: Professor
Connection to One Book: Current research project is on “We use the nearly 3 decades of data available for each study participant, and recruitment of generation 3 (the grandoffspring of the original mothers), to gain a better understanding of the long- term and intergenerational impacts of early life environments on adult biology, life history, reproduction, and health.”

William R. Leonard: Professor
Connection to One Book: Research is on the anthropology of food and nutrition, as well as international public health.

Amanda Logan: Assistant Professor
Connection to One Book: Research is on predictive factors of food insecurity, including environmental catastrophes, political shifts, and economic development. Teaches “Food and Culture,” “African and African-American Foodways,” “Archaeology of Food and Drink,” “Anthropology of Food Security and Sustainability,” “Archaeologies, Communities, and Publics,” and “Anthropology of Food.”


Luis A.N. Amaral: Professor
Connection to One Book: “His research aims to address some of the most pressing challenges facing human societies and the world's ecosystems, including the mitigation of errors in healthcare settings, the characterization of the conditions fostering innovation and creativity, or the growth limits imposed by sustainability.”

Bruce Ankenman: Professor
Connection to One Book: “I found that an engineer's job depends on the ability to efficiently collect and analyze data. Since many engineers have limited access to statistical methods, my research is to develop simple-to-use, yet statistically powerful tools for the design and analysis of both physical and simulation-based experiments.”

Earth and Planetary Sciences

Yarrow Axford: Assistant Professor
Connection to One Book: “I study climate and environmental change, primarily through the lens of paleolimnology (the study of lake sediments and past lake environments). My current work is aimed at understanding climate change in Arctic and alpine environments.”

Daniel E. Horton: Assistant Professor
Connection to One Book: “Professor Horton is a climate scientist and the PI of the Climate Change Research Group (CCRG). The CCRG studies the interaction of Earth’s climate system with an array of subjects across diverse spatiotemporal scales.”


Lawrence Christiano: Alfred W. Chase Professor
Connection to One Book: “Larry Christiano's research has been focused primarily on the problem of determining how the government's monetary and fiscal instruments ought to respond to shocks over the business cycle.”

Eddie Dekel: William R. Kenan, Jr. Professor
Connection to One Book: “Eddie Dekel's research focuses on decision theory, the foundations of game theory, mechanism design (in particular with evidence) and voting theory.”

Joseph Ferrie: Professor
Connection to One Book: “Joseph Ferrie is an economic historian who uses micro- level longitudinal data to study economic mobility. Using data from census manuscripts, passenger ship records, tax lists, and city directories, he has compared mobility in Britain, the United States and France from the 1850s to the present. He is also interested in determining the link between early-life circumstances and later life outcomes, and the migrant from rural areas to cities and towns.”

Political Science

James Druckman: Payson S. Wild Professor; Associate Director at the Institute for Policy Research
Connection to One Book: “James N. Druckman’s research focuses on political preference formation and communication. His recent work examines how citizens make political, economic, and social decisions in various contexts (e.g., settings with multiple competing messages, online information, deliberation).”; strong focus on data analysis

Jason Seawright: Associate Professor
Connection to One Book: “Dr. Seawright is involved in ongoing research projects about multi-method research designs for causal inference; about the link between class and gender inequality and unequal political representation; and about how dynamics of political psychology and organization shape party-system change.”

M.S. in Analytics

Klinton Bicknell: Assistant Professor of Linguistics
Connection to One Book: “We use techniques from machine learning, computational linguistics, and statistics to build computational models of language behaviors and to analyze large behavioral and neuroscientific datasets.”

Noshir Contractor: Professor of Behavioral Sciences
Connection to One Book: “He is investigating factors that lead to the formation, maintenance, and dissolution of dynamically linked social and knowledge networks in communities. Specifically, his research team is developing and testing theories and methods of network science to map, understand and enable more effective networks in a wide variety of contexts including communities of practice in business, science and engineering communities, disaster response teams, public health networks, digital media and learning networks, and in virtual worlds.”

Edward Malthouse: Professor of Integrated Marketing Communications
Connection to One Book: “Edward C. Malthouse is an expert in applied statistics, market research and media marketing. His primary research is in the areas of media and database marketing. He develops statistical models and applies them to large data sets of consumer information to help managers make marketing decisions.”

Russell Walker: Clinical Associate Professor of Managerial Economics and Decision Sciences
Connection to One Book: “His expertise is in the application of analytics in business, with specific emphasis on marketing and risk management decisions.”

M.S. in Health Services and Outcomes Research

Jungwha Lee: Assistant Professor in Preventive Medicine—Biostatistics
Connection to One Book: “Dr. Lee's research interests include statistical methods in epidemiology, longitudinal data analysis, and multilevel analysis.”

Andrew M. Naidech: Associate Professor in Neurology
Connection to One Book: “I am committed to using data to improve outcomes, specifically health-related quality of life.”

M.S. in Public Health

Joseph Kang: Adjunct Assistant Professor in Preventive Medicine—Biostatistics
Connection to One Book: “My current research involves a variety of statistical issues arising in non-randomized observational studies, with particular emphasis on the causal inference of the effects of naturalistic lifestyles such as diet behaviors and physical activities on various cardiovascular diseases outcomes.”

Leah J. Welty: Associate Professor in Preventive Medicine—Biostatistics
Connection to One Book: “Dr. Welty's research interests include the application of biostatistics to psychiatry and environmental research, and the development of reproducible research tools for clinical and translational science. She is the lead biostatistician for the Northwestern Juvenile Project, a large-scale longitudinal study of psychiatric disorders and risky behaviors in delinquent youth.”


Larry Hedges: Department Chair
Connection to One Book: “My research interests are in the development and application of statistical methods for the social, medical, and biological sciences. One major interest is the combination of results across studies to draw general conclusions (meta-analysis).”

Noelle Samia: Associate Professor
Connection to One Book: Research interests include “Statistical inference for infectious diseases and epidemiology.”