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Sailesh Chutani

Sailesh Chutani

Sailesh Chutani

Fellow, Farley Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation



ISEN 495-0-22 Special Topics: Ethics & Leadership in the Climate Crisis (0.5 credit)

Sailesh Chutani is an adjunct professor within Northwestern's Master of Science in Energy and Sustainability (MSES) Program.

Chutani is an entrepreneur, executive, and technologist with over three decades of experience spanning healthcare, software, and telecom. As a board member, advisor, and investor, he is increasingly focused on decarbonization and sustainability.  Sailesh most recently served as the CTO of Logitech, leading their sustainability and innovation efforts.  He led several initiatives in Microsoft and Amazon related to circular economy and energy efficiency and currently, he serves on the boards and advisory boards of companies and not-for-profit organizations to help them decarbonize and create more sustainable business models.