470 - Sustainability in Water and Wastewater
Core/Elective: Elective
Credits: 0.5
Quarter Taught: Fall
This class will provide an introduction to the economics, technology and regulation that drive water and wastewater markets. As a 5-week class, this is a survey of the major issues that exist and a discussion of opportunities to drive to more sustainable water systems.
Course Objectives:
Students will build a foundation in:
- Key sustainability concepts & terminology in the water and wastewater industry
- The basic science of water systems (high level) and critical components of the water “supply chain”
- Primary stakeholders in water systems at the global and US market levels – including providers of water / wastewater services, regulators and end users
- Major trends and issues in water systems (globally, but deeper dive in N. America)
- Emerging sustainable technology / policy / business model innovation in water
- Key questions, measurements, tools & resources to be used when considering water sustainability