Special-Interest Clubs A NU View is the appropriate title of a new continuing education lecture series, part of the 36th NU Day and sponsored by the Alumnae of Northwestern University, set for Oct. 17 at Norris University Center. The daylong event also includes a luncheon and musical presentation by undergraduates in the School of Music. During the 200001 academic year the club awarded $158,000 in gifts and grants to students and faculty. Meaghen Foley (SESP01) received the first Alumnae Senior Woman Service Award in May. The honor recognizes a graduating senior and runners-up for community service. From her sophomore year on, Foley was active in Northwestern's Habitat for Humanity chapter. Mentoring and global networking dominated the agenda of the Council of One Hundred's spring meeting in April. Members mentored and lunched with undergraduates and expanded their own contacts by participating in the satellite broadcast of MainEvent 2001, a worldwide forum of women business leaders. The sponsor of the broadcast was Women.future, an organization of women executives. In a separate outreach effort council member Sona Wang (KGSM86) chaired Springboard 2001 Midwest, a venture capital forum for women business owners held at the Allen Center in May. The fall season marks the start of new leadership for the John Evans Club. Ron Sims (S58), formerly the club's vice chair for development, is the new chair, succeeding Christine Olson Robb (WCAS66). Members are marking their calendars for Oct. 19, when the club hosts a tour of the Dearborn Observatory with a special feature: the storytelling magic of Rives Collins, an associate professor of theatre, who will relate myths about the stars. More than 400 members and guests turned out for the May 5 and 6 Waa-Mu performances. NUMB Alums (Northwestern University Marching Band alumni) got a sneak preview of Waa-Mu at the May 3 dress rehearsal. Band director Mallory Thompson (Mu79, GMu80) shared insights into the behind-the-scenes production. N Club hosts post-game receptions after every home football game at the McGaw Center. On Sept. 15 the group celebrates N Club Day. In May the club welcomed 84 graduating senior letter winners and two honorary letter winners into its ranks. The Northwestern Alumni Association also honored the top graduating scholar athletes from each varsity team. To check the complete listing of N Club award winners, log on to alumni.northwestern.edu, first click on clubs and then on N Club. Up-and-coming alumni performers in the Los Angeles area sold out the Court Theater June 1820 during the 2001 Northwestern University Young Alumni Showcase, in connection with the NUEA (Northwestern University Entertainment Alliance) West. The show, entirely written, produced, directed and performed by Northwestern alumni, was so popular, the group took it on the road for an extra performance June 22 for the NU Club of San Diego. To stay current with your favorite Northwestern club, log on to www.alumni.northwestern.edu or call 847-491-7200.