Clinical Experience / Exposure
What is clinical experience/exposure?
Why should I engage in clinical experience/exposure?
- have a good understanding of the realities of healthcare
- are service-minded and people-oriented
- are committed to the practice of your chosen health profession
What do I gain from engaging in clinical experience/exposure?
Do I need to volunteer, shadow, or do research as a first-year student?
There is no expectation that you engage in these kinds of experiences during your first year. Most Northwestern students choose to spend their first year focusing on the transition to college life. We encourage students to not feel rushed to dive into these activities and wait until you’re feeling comfortable on-campus and have time in your schedule. However, these are important experiences that you will need to account for, and your advisor can help you decide when the best time may be to begin these types of experiences.
How do I find volunteering opportunities?
Volunteer Resources include the following:
- The Importance of Clinical Experience handout. Ask your health professions advisor about this.
- Our Service & Volunteering page (both clinical and non-clinical volunteering opportunities)
- Community Health Volunteer/Internship Fair, usually held in March in Norris
-, for volunteering opportunities anywhere
Will I have enough time to engage in these experiences in addition to my coursework?
Yes, of course! Remember, this is about slowly building your experience, not jumping into everything at the same time. If you plan accordingly, you can engage in a wide range of valued experiences over 3+ years.
How much volunteering do I need to do?
- All programs will value service in a medical/clinical setting
- Some programs may also wish to see service in a non-medical/clinical setting
- Many schools will not have a required number of hours, but we recommend at least a year of volunteering before applying to a health professions school (one shift a week, ideally). Hours can vary depending on the pre-health path that you’re pursuing.
How do I find shadowing/mentoring opportunities?
Shadowing/mentoring resources include:
- Affinity Leaders and Learners (ALL) Mentorship Program
- Northwestern University Clinical Apprentice Program (NU-CAP)
- NEXT (Northwestern Externship Program)
- Northwestern Network Mentorship Program
- Personal Network (friends/family/your own physicians)
What are some student organizations that students can join?
Any student organizations that you like. Being active in any type of club can demonstrate qualities of teamwork and leadership.
Visit the Student Groups page on our website to see some of the clubs available to you. However, this isn’t an exhaustive list, so Wildcat Connection is the best way to search Student Groups.
Where do I find a pre-health work study position?
How do I find summer internship opportunities? What do I do over the summer?
Explore the following resources and summer opportunities provided by Northwestern University and the Health Professions Advising office:
- Ask your advisor for the Summer Opportunities handout which details summer activities that pre-health students frequently engage in.
- List of Summer Opportunities
- Summer Internship Grant Program (SIGP) through Northwestern Career Advancement (NCA).
- Engage Chicago
- Chicago Field Studies
- Lurie Cancer Center of Northwestern University - CURE Program
- Northwestern Medicine Pre-Med Internship Program
- HPA Explore Opportunities
I want to volunteer abroad so I can get a lot of great hands-on medical experience. Do you recommend any programs?
- Remember, if you are not qualified to do something in the U.S., you certainly are not qualified to do it in another country.
- From the above AAMC document: Many pre-health students believe that the more in-depth clinical experience/exposure they have, the stronger their applications will be. However, taking on tasks that are beyond your training could make you look unethical, unknowledgeable about the health professions, irresponsible to admission committees, and may diminish or eliminate your chance for acceptance into medical school.
- You do not need to go abroad to engage in global communities, many cities have international populations in need of service.