Example Language
A common strategy for managing a conflict of interest is transparency. Consequently, many management plans ask for disclosure of the relationship in publications, or to research team members. Below are examples of language that could be used in different situations to make these disclosures.
Note that occasionally we will ask for disclosure of Northwestern's relationship or interest in a company. This is to manage an institutional conflict of interest, or the potential perception thereof. Language for those situations is also provided.
This information is also available as a one-page word document of examples of disclosure language.
Individual / Investigator conflicts of interest
Publications, presentations and press releases
Management strategy: Disclose your relationship / financial interest in publications, presentations, and press releases that are related to or arise from the project under management.
Example Language:
- I have a financial interest in NewCo, Inc. which could potentially benefit from the outcomes of this research.
- I am the inventor of WidgetA, which is licensed to NewCo, Inc. The outcomes of this research may improve WidgetA, which could result in a financial benefit to me / NewCo, Inc.
How should this be communicated?
- Per publication guidelines
- Per meeting guidelines
- Within initial slides of presentations
When should this disclosure be made?
- At time of publication submission
- At time of presentation (or at time of submission of proposal to present)
Research team members
Management strategy: Disclose your relationship / financial interest to research team members and collaborators working on the project that is under management.
Example language:
I have financial interests in [insert company name and/or nature of IP], a company which could potentially benefit from the outcomes of this research. Because of the perception of a conflict of interest and in the interest of full transparency, I am disclosing my relationship with [insert company name and/or nature of IP] to my research team members and collaborators. If you have questions or concerns about my financial interests as they relate to this research, please let me know. If you have questions or concerns about data integrity or research participant safety at any time because of this conflict of interest, you may contact [your School Dean’s Office] or the Northwestern University Conflict of Interest Office (nucoi@northwestern.edu or 847-467-4515).
How should this be communicated?
- In research team lab or other meeting, and via email
When should this disclosure be made?
- At study initiation or when CMP is implemented
- As new research team members and/or collaborators join project
Research participants in informed consent document
Management strategy: Disclose your relationship / financial interest to research participants in the informed consent document(s) of the study under management.
Example language:
How should this be communicated?
- In the consent form, per IRB guidelines
When should this disclosure be made?
Institutional (Northwestern's) conflicts of interest
Publications, presentations, and press releases
Management strategy: Disclose Northwestern's relationship / interest in presentations, publications, and press releases that are related to or arise from the project under management.
Example language:
Northwestern University has financial interests in [insert nature of interest here (e.g., intellectual property interests in product under evaluation or equity interests in the company sponsoring the research)]. As a result of these interests, Northwestern University could ultimately potentially benefit financially from the outcomes of this research.
How should this be communicated?
- Per publication guidelines
- Per meeting guidelines
- Within initial slides of presentations
When should this be communicated?
- At time of publication submission
- At time of presentation (or at time of submission of proposal to present)
Research participants in informed consent document
Management strategy: Disclose Northwestern's relationship / financial interest to research participants in the informed consent document(s) of the study under management.
Example language:
Northwestern University has financial interests relative to [insert nature of interest here (e.g., intellectual property interests in product under evaluation or equity interests in the company sponsoring the research)]. As a result of these interests, Northwestern University could ultimately potentially benefit financially from the outcomes of this research.
Additional examples here: IRB guidelines for disclosure in informed consent documents
How should this be communicated?
- In the consent form, per IRB guidelines
When should this disclosure be made?