XML Feeds
If you are using the Cascade CMS, an XML feed is the easiest way to include PlanIt Purple events in your site. There are two ways to create a feed:
- Click the "Add/Manage Events" button from the PlanIt Purple homepage, sign in, then click "Add a Feed."
- Construct a URL of the following format: https://planitpurple.northwestern.edu/xmlfeed?cal=33&days=30
Querystring Parameters
The following are valid querystring parameters for the second method:
Parameter | Description |
cal | Required. Comma-separated list of group IDs or 0 for all calendars. |
days | Required. Number of days to include. Can be 0 for unlimited (3-year past limit; 5-year future limit). |
category | Optional. Only applied if cal is set to 0. Comma-separated list of category IDs (see below). Events assigned to any of the specified categories are included. |
audience | Optional. Only applied if cal is set to 0. Comma-separated list of audience IDs (see below). Events assigned to any of the specified audiences are included. |
location | Optional. Only applied if cal is set to 0. Comma-separated list of location IDs (see below). Events assigned to any of the specified locations are included. |
max | Optional. An integer specifying the maxiumum number of events to be included. |
archive | Optional. Valid values are 0 (default) or 1, which sets start date to 3 years in the past, ignoring the start parameter. When set, days parameter only applies to future events. |
start | Optional. Must be a valid date in the format mm-dd-yyyy. Events on or after the specified date will be included. |
end | Optional. Must be a valid date in the format mm-dd-yyyy. Events on or before the specified date will be included. |
token | Required for private groups. Alphanumeric access code displayed on the Edit Group page. If there are multiple values for cal, comma separate tokens, using an empty string for non-private groups. |
Category IDs
ID | Category |
1 | Academic |
2 | Fine Arts |
3 | Athletics |
4 | Social |
5 | Lectures & Meetings |
6 | Religious |
7 | Other |
8 | Training |
9 | Fitness & Recreation |
10 | Multicultural & Diversity |
11 | Global & Civic Engagement |
12 | Grand Rounds |
13 | Women 150 [temporary] |
14 | Environment & Sustainability |
Audience IDs
ID | Audience |
1 | Faculty/Staff |
2 | Student |
3 | Public |
4 | Post Docs/Docs |
5 | Graduate Students |
Location IDs
ID | Location |
1 | Evanston |
2 | Chicago |
3 | Off-Campus |
4 | No Location |
5 | Online |
6 | Qatar |
XML Data Structure
XML feeds contain the following elements:
- planitpurple: root element (always present)
- event: can be none or multiple depending on upcoming events for your group
- title: event title
- date: human readable date in format Month, D, YYY
- time: human readable start and end time in format HH:MI A.M. - HH:MI P.M. or empty if an all-day event
- isodate: with attribute format="YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI"
- time_zone: time zone abbreviation (CT, PT, or AST)
- location: specifies campus (Evanston, Chicago, Off-Campus, No Location, Online, or Qatar)
- locationurl: a link to the event building on the online campus map site
- address: the address of the event broken down into the following elements
- building_name
- address_1
- address_2
- city
- state
- zip
- webcast_link: optional URL for online event
- contact: the event's primary contact broken down into the following elements
- name
- phone
- group: the group which posted the event broken down into the following elements
- name
- url
- id
- shared_groups: a comma-separated list of groups from the current feed which include this shared event
- image_sm: URL for a 250 x 250 pixel image for the event
- image_sm_alt: alt text describing the above image
- image_med: URL for a 530 x 398 pixel image for the event (only be populated by Arts Circle enabled groups)
- image_med_alt: alt text describing the above image
- image_hero: URL for a 1440 x 400 pixel image for the event(only be populated by Arts Circle enabled groups)
- image_hero_alt: alt text describing the above image
- externalurl: the event's external URL (empty if not populated)
- registration_link: URL for event registration with a label attribute (current options are "Register" or "Buy Tickets"; empty if not populated)
- ppurl: the event's PlanIt Purple URL
- event_category_id: an integer representing the event category (see translation table above)
- category-name: one of the names listed above
- secondary_category: can be none or multiple
- id
- name
- last_modified: human readable date of last modification in format Month, D, YYYY; defaults to creation date if there have been no edits
- cost: plaintext event costs
- audience: one or more elements containing one of the following strings: Student, Faculty/Staff, Public, Post Docs/Docs, Graduate Students
- cosponsors: contains one or more cosponsor elements containing a group name
- advanced-property: none or multiple pairs of name and value elements as configured on the Edit Group page; contact Web Communications for this to be enabled
- description: plaintext event description
- description_html: HTML event description escaped in CDATA
- recurring: either a unique ID specifying the event series or a 0 if the event is not recurring
- series_url: URL for the event series view in PlanIt Purple; only appears if event is recurring
- cancelled: empty element which appears if the event has been cancelled
For examples of XSLT formats that can handle these fields, please contact Web Communications.
Last modified: August 3, 2023