Abuse or Neglect of a Minor
Any University personnel with reasonable cause to believe that a minor known to them in the scope of their work for Northwestern may be neglected or abused is required to immediately report the incident.
Learn about these issues, including how to report a concern.
Any University personnel with reasonable cause to believe that a minor known to them in the scope of their work for Northwestern may be neglected or abused is required to immediately report the incident.
An individual's collective actions, inactions, words, thought processes, and frame of mind may cause others around the individual to be concerned for the safety of the individual or others.
Crime includes illegal acts that are punishable by law. These acts include assault, burglary, destruction of or damage to property, drug or alcohol law violation, robbery, theft and more.
Information security incidents are events that give someone access to sensitive information (personally identifiable details, passwords, academic, health, or financial records) without permission.
A student is considered missing if a roommate, classmate, faculty members, family member or other campus person has not seen the student in a reasonable amount of time. A reasonable amount of time may vary with the time of day and information available regarding the missing person’s daily schedule, habits, punctuality, and reliability. Individuals will be considered missing immediately if their absence has occurred under circumstances that are suspicious or cause concerns for their safety.
A research lab safety issue is any spill, accident, or other incident that resulted in a breach of containment, environment release, or exposure to hazardous material in a laboratory environment. Any incident where an individual sought medical care should also be reported. Any general feeling of being unsafe or witnessing of unsafe practices in a laboratory environment should also be reported.