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The dialogue sessions aim to stimulate discussion around a particular topic. An executive coach for professional development facilitates these sessions. These sessions address various topics pertinent to the black experience. These sessions create a safe space for members during 60-90 minutes by exploring and building on shared experiences. Members leave with a purpose of inspired action.

These sessions are open to all BPN members.


2024 Women of Color in the Workplace

March 12, 2024
The Women of BPN joined Ellen Buron as she discussed the challenges and opportunities for careers in Higher Education.


Ellen Burton
Executive Coach and Consultant
Equity and Inclusion, Personal Development and Wellness2024

2024 The Black Arts Movement: Community and Individual Impact

February 20, 2024
Ellen will take us through a dialogue discussion about the Black Self-Determination Theory about Autonomy, Competence, and Relatedness.


Ellen Burton
Executive Coach and Consultant
Equity and Inclusion, Personal Development and Wellness2024

2024 CAPS and HPaW Overview

February 13, 2024
Join representatives from CAPS and HPaW as they discuss wellness programs for NU students. It's essential to understand how our black and other students are supported and what resources are available so you can tell if you encounter a student in crisis.


Mikayla Wynter
Staff Therapist, Liaison to Black & African American Students
Liz Akinboboye
Health Promotion Specialist
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Personal Development and Wellness2024

2024 Integrating the Arts to Support Your Well-being and NU Well-being Updates

February 9, 2024
Evelyn Cordero, Well-being Specialist, HR, Talent Development & Well-being, to discuss how to include the arts in your day-to-day and long-term well-being journey. Evelyn will provide the University well-being updates to ensure you're up-to-date with the resources available to you.


Evelyn Cordero
Well-being Specialist
Personal Development and Wellness2024

2024 Black Self-Determination

February 8, 2024
Walter Crawford discusses Black Self-Determination and perspectives on powers.


Walter Crawford
Executive Leadership and Coach
Equity and Inclusion, Leadership and Personal Growth, Personal Development and Wellness2024

The Politics of Racial Equity and the 2024 Elections

February 2, 2024
Alvin, a Northwestern Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for Diversity and Democracy. Alvin will share his views as we approach the 2024 election and the importance of your vote.


Alvin Tillery
Northwestern University Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for Diversity and Democracy.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Historical and Social Topics2024

2019 Career Management You Have More Power Than You Think!

January 1, 2024
Ellen Burton provided highlights and information about managing your career.


Ellen Burton
Executive Coach and Consultant
Leadership and Personal Growth, Personal Development and Wellness2024

Inclusive Leadership for Black Professionals

December 12, 2023
Ellen's dialogue session was titled 'Inclusive Leadership for Black Professionals.' This learning experience was designed for NU BPN members who would like their work culture to be more respectful, appreciative of their gifts, loyalty, and talents, and more inclusive.


Ellen Burton
Executive Coach and Consultant
Equity and Inclusion, Leadership and Personal Growth2023

Inclusive Leadership

December 12, 2023
BPN members gathered during a Zoom session to be led in a discussion with Author, Executive Advisor, and leadership coach Ellen Burton. This learning experience is for Northwestern BPN members who want their work culture to be more respectful, appreciative of their gifts, loyalty and talents while being more inclusive.


Ellen Burton
Author, Evecutive Coach, and Business Lecturer
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Personal Development and Wellness2023

2023 A conversation with Alvin B Tillery

December 1, 2023
Alvin B. Tillery, Northwestern University Professor of Political Science, Director of the Center for the Study of Diversity, and BPN partner provided a meaningful conversation about diversity, racism, and social justice.


Alvin Tillery
Northwestern University Professor of Political Science and Director of the Center for Diversity and Democracy.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Historical and Social Topics2023

Feminist Coaching

May 6, 2023
A dialogue Zoom conversation with Northwestern Women Center Associate Director Njoki Kamau who discussed a coaching session program that consists of 5 free sessions for NU employees.


Njoki Kamau
Associate Director, Northwestern University's Women's Center
Equity and Inclusion, Personal Development and Wellness2023

Holistic View of Wellness in Your Life

April 4, 2023
BPN members gathered during a Zoom session to be led in a discussion with adjunct faculty member, executive advisor, and leadership coach, Walter Crawford. The dialogue session provided tools for building better health, financial wealth, spiritual guidance, relationships, community support, and work/career balance.


Walter Crawford
Executive and Leadership Coach
Equity and Inclusion, Leadership and Personal Growth, Personal Development and Wellness2023

2023 The Struggle is Real! Our Strategy: Resistance and Preservation

February 1, 2023
Ellen discussed "The Story Lie" ; "The Truth and The Strategy"


Ellen Burton
Executive Coach and Consultant
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion2023

Maintaining your Presence through Change

October 11, 2022
BNP members gathered during a Zoom session to be led in a discussion with adjunct faculty member, executive advisor, and leadership coach, Walter Crawford. This dialogue session was about the current change situations we are facing. Are we embracing it or running away from it? Members shared situations and were led with positive changes.


Walter Crawford
Executive and Leadership Coach
Equity and Inclusion, Historical and Social Topics, Personal Development and Wellness2022

Mindset: Career Challenge or Opportunity

September 27, 2022
BPN members gathered during a Zoom session to be led in a discussion with executive coach, author, and facilitator Ellen Burton. This dialogue leads members with tools on how perception can expand the strategic options for managing your career.


Ellen Burton
Executive Coach and Consultant
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Leadership and Personal Growth2022

Freedom for Everyone: Slavery and Abolition in 19th Century America

June 21, 2022
BPN members gathered at the library for an in-person curator talk, tour, and discussion with Marquis Taylor, a Ph.D. student, who curated the exhibition. The exhibit features original documents from the Fredrick Douglass Collection and Slavery, Enslaved Persons, and Free Blacks in the Americas Collection at Northwestern Libraries.


Dr. Kenneth Washington
Marquis Taylor
Northwestern Ph.D. Student
Historical and Social Topics2022

Your Response: The Only Thing You Can Control

April 20, 2022
Open dialogue with Walter Crawford as BPN members discussed your emotional intelligence , how to connect with feelings, turn your intention into action and how making informed decisions matters most to you .


Walter Crawford
Executive and Leadership Coach
Leadership and Personal Growth, Personal Development and Wellness2022

2022 Honoring the legacy of George Floyd (Wellbeing and Leadership)

January 1, 2022
Ellen discussed our personal and collective insights following George Floyd's murder; The impact of wellbeing on our ability to lead and exploring wellness practices.


Ellen Burton
Executive Coach and Consultant
Historical and Social Topics, Leadership and Personal Growth, Personal Development and Wellness2022

Stress vs. Trauma

December 14, 2021
Author Ellen Burton engage a dialogue with members about self-care. She took members on a journey about Stress vs Trauma in the Black community. Her presentation included ‘How it has been passed down to us’, ‘How we carry it around’ and ‘How we pass it along’.


Ellen Burton
Executive Coach and Consultant
Equity and Inclusion, Personal Development and Wellness2021

Leadership and Inspired Actions

July 28, 2021
Author Ellen Burton engage a dialogue with members and provided best practices on Developing a Growth Mindset, Compassion Meditation and using 8 aspects of Building Resilience. Members shared their experiences and found comfort in hearing how to cope when faced with adversity.


Ellen Burton
Executive Coach and Consultant
Equity and Inclusion, Leadership and Personal Growth, Personal Development and Wellness2021

Deeper Dive into Unconscious Bias

June 17, 2021
Ellen Burton led members with a discussion on Unconscious Bias and provided a series of questions to reflect beyond the session.


Ellen Burton
Executive Coach and Consultant
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Historical and Social Topics, Personal Development and Wellness2021

Critical Dialogue for BPN Brothers

May 11, 2021
Walter Crawford and Northwestern staff members Ryann Greene, Michael Hill, Omar Negron and Jabari Thomas will include you in an engaging dialogue that speaks to the Black Male Experience in and around Northwestern


Walter Crawford
Executive and Leadership Coach
Equity and Inclusion, Personal Development and Wellness2021

Imposter Syndrome and the Black Experience

April 22, 2021
Walter discussed What is Imposter Syndrome Imposter Syndrome Types – What type are you? Journal: How has it shown up in your life? How can you manage it?


Walter Crawford
Executive and Leadership Coach
Equity and Inclusion, Historical and Social Topics, Personal Development and Wellness2021

Managing your Emotions and your Influence

April 22, 2021
Walter met with the members to discuss imposter syndrome and the imposter syndrome types.


Walter Crawford
Executive and Leadership Coach
Historical and Social Topics, Personal Development and Wellness2021

Refill & Restore/Self-Care in the Midst of these Challenging Times

February 26, 2021
NU Staff Psychologist Kenneth Washington brings a trauma-informed lens, and over 5 years of experience working in university college counseling centers. He obtained a PhD in Counseling Psychology from Southern Illinois University and transitioned to Northwestern after brief stints at the School of the Art Institute and the University of Florida. Kenneth led a dialogue session and provided self care resources as members shared their trauma experiences.


Kenneth Washington
Staff Psychologist & Liaison to Black/African American Students at Northwestern University
Equity and Inclusion, Personal Development and Wellness2021

The Importance of Storytelling in Black History and Leadership

February 17, 2021
Walter J. Crawford, an executive and leadership coach, located in the Washington, DC metro area, facilitates a discussion on how storytelling has shaped black history with its own stories or narratives. These stories can influence our family, community and work lives. Walter led an exercise to remind attendees to write their own story because You know your story better than anyone.


Walter Crawford
Executive and Leadership Coach
Historical and Social Topics, Leadership and Personal Growth, Personal Development and Wellness2021

Journaling on Race, Equity and Social Justice

January 28, 2021
Walter Crawford, an executive and leadership coach leads a discussion with members on the importance of journaling. Walter discusses how this is an effective form of self-care and treatment to increase black people well being. Members were led in an exercise to journal how the summer of 2020 has changed their observations on race, equity and social justice


Walter Crawford
Executive and Leadership Coach
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Personal Development and Wellness2021

2021 Breast Cancer Awareness Month

January 1, 2021
This discussion with Dr. William Gradishar was regarding women's health and breast cancer during this Breast Cancer Wellness Month.


Dr. William Gradishar
Chief of Hematology and Oncology in the Department of Medicine
Personal Development and Wellness2021

2021 Enough - The power of choice for leadership wellness

January 1, 2021
Ellen discussed the role of mental and physical health and your ability to lead. Reoccurring trauma and impending burnout and how to take care of yourself and get it done.


Ellen Burton
Executive Coach and Consultant
Leadership and Personal Growth, Personal Development and Wellness2021

2021 Managing Covid Judgment and Shame

January 1, 2021
Ellen discussed creating space for COVID Vaccination Conversations: No Judgment Zones and Conversation and Action Guide to Support Staff Well-Being and Joy in Work During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic.


Ellen Burton
Executive Coach and Consultant
Personal Development and Wellness2021

Leadership and Inspired Actions

July 28, 2020
In the wake of the Summer of 2020, the BPN members were led in discussion alongside Ellen Burton with a host of sessions to manage the stress encountered. This interactive series of support and strategies included the referenced topic.


Ellen Burton
Executive Coach and Consultant
Leadership and Personal Growth, Personal Development and Wellness2020

Resilience as Our Most Powerful Legacy

July 14, 2020
In the wake of the Summer of 2020, the BPN members were led in discussion alongside Ellen Burton with a host of sessions to manage the stress encountered. This interactive series of support and strategies included the referenced topic.


Ellen Burton
Executive Coach and Consultant
Equity and Inclusion, Leadership and Personal Growth, Personal Development and Wellness2020

Strategy for Leveraging Change

June 30, 2020
In the wake of the Summer of 2020, the BPN members were led in discussion alongside Ellen Burton with a host of sessions to manage the stress encountered. This interactive series of support and strategies included the referenced topic.


Ellen Burton
Executive Coach and Consultant
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Leadership and Personal Growth2020

Managing your Emotions and your Influence

June 16, 2020
In the wake of the Summer of 2020, the BPN members were led in discussion alongside Ellen Burton with a host of sessions to manage the stress encountered. This interactive series of support and strategies included the referenced topic.


Ellen Burton
Executive Coach and Consultant
Leadership and Personal Growth2020

Managing Expectations: The Good, The Bad, and The Unknown

June 9, 2020
Walter J. Crawford, an executive and leadership coach, located in the Washington, DC metro area, facilitates a session for BPN Male members only. BPN male members had a conversation with facilitator Walter Crawford and Northwestern staff members Travis Martin & Michael D. Hill


Walter Crawford
Executive and Leadership Coach
Equity and Inclusion, Leadership and Personal Growth, Personal Development and Wellness2020

Courageous Communication For a Better Work Culture

January 1, 2020
Ellen Burton Facilitates this session which encourages participants to purposely and authentically behave in a way that makes co-workers feel appreciated and respected as a result of acting on one's values!


Ellen Burton
Executive Coach and Consultant
Leadership and Personal Growth, Personal Development and Wellness2020

2020 Executive Coaching Resilience: Our Most Powerful legacy

January 1, 2020
The intention of this group coaching session facilitated by Ellen Burton. Is to ignite a supportive process for embracing change and creating individual solutions for dealing with our new normal. Participants are being called to action regarding contributing to racial inequity and abolishing racism. This seminar is designed to inspire BPN members to use their dissatisfaction, step away from victim mentality and use their leadership skills to make a difference by listening for inspired actions.


Ellen Burton
Executive Coach and Consultant
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Leadership and Personal Growth2020

2020 How to Build Your Emotional Intelligence with Ease

January 1, 2020
During this interactive keynote Ellen Burton facilitates. Participants learn why EI (Emotional Intelligence) is essential in today's workplace, especially when it comes to powerful collaboration. Understanding how to control one's emotions and how to support others in civil interactions are just the beginning.


Ellen Burton
Executive Coach and Consultant
Equity and Inclusion, Leadership and Personal Growth, Personal Development and Wellness2020

2020 The Power of Asking for Help!

January 1, 2020
Who doesn't want it easier? - Ellen Burton facilitates this session designed to allow you to examine the beliefs and behaviors related to asking for help. We all want to produce better results but often we overlook one of the simplest and most difficult collaboration tools available.


Ellen Burton
Executive Coach and Consultant
Personal Development and Wellness2020

2020 Time to Reboot: Personal and Professional Branding

January 1, 2020
Ellen Burton facilitator. A session regarding reasons why branding is so important.


Ellen Burton
Executive Coach and Consultant
Personal Development and Wellness2020

2021 Homophobia in the workplace

January 1, 2020
Walter Crawford facilitated a discussion regarding homophobia in the workplace.


Walter Crawford
Executive Leadership and Coach
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion2020

Succeeding in the Midst of Change (Adapting and Balancing)

April 23, 2019
Author Ellen Burton leads a discussion with members about adapting and balancing change. While change may seem stressful, it is actually the best way to learn about ourselves to grow as professionals. As persons of color we need to continuously grow as new challenges arise and by find creative ways to engage with others.


Ellen Burton
Executive Coach and Consultant
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Leadership and Personal Growth2019

Workplace Civility: Respect, Kindness & Trust

February 15, 2018
Your leadership influence in how teams treat one another. Author Ellen Burton leads a discussion with members about leadership and civility. She spoke about how when Senior Leadership do not set clear intentions and behavioral expectations, a gap occurs. Usually this is because they assume others should just know how to work together.


Ellen Burton
Executive Coach and Consultant
Equity and Inclusion, Leadership and Personal Growth2018

Strategy for Leveraging Personal and Professional Branding

July 18, 2017
Author Ellen Burton leads a discussion with members for embracing change and creating individual solutions for dealing with our new normal. Members engage in discussion to focus forward by having them establish new personal goals and standards of behavior in alignment with their professional “brand”.


Ellen Burton
Executive Coach and Consultant
Leadership and Personal Growth2017