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Club Sports

NMSHS sports medicine is the primary medical provider for Northwestern University club sports. We are dedicated to ensuring healthy and safe participation for all athletes. NMSHS staff athletic trainers provide on-site coverage for many of the University’s club sports. Please see below for further information on club sport medical clearance requirements and event medical coverage requests.

Clearance Requirements

To be medically cleared to participate in NU sport clubs, ALL students need to complete a health history questionnaire (HHQ) AND respond to all subsequent communication by sports medicine staff.

After completing the health history questionnaire:
  • Watch your personal health portal, phone, and email for communication from Sports Medicine Staff
  • Once your questionnaire is reviewed and cleared, IMLeagues will be updated accordingly.

For HHQ related questions, please contact NMSHS AT Services .
For all other Club Sport questions, please contact Northwestern University Club Sports director.

Event Medical Coverage Request Form

Please use this link to access the Athletic Training (AT) Services Request form. A separate form must be filled out for each event you wish to be covered.

Fulfillment of athletic training event coverage is dependent on risk assessment of sport, notice of event, location of event, and team compliance in IM Leagues.

A request must be made at least 5 business days in advance to ensure coverage. 

Athletic Training (AT) Services Request Form