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Evaluation Training Modules Project

The Evaluation Training Modules project is newly-funded by the NIH to advance program evaluation for training programs nationally. 

The challenge

Program evaluation and trainee assessment are crucial to support successful training programs in the biomedical sciences. The updated NIGMS T32 funding mechanism identifies the critical role of trainee-focused learning goals, aligned activities, effective evaluation and feedback in advancing current approaches to graduate student training. Yet few training programs are prepared to integrate evaluation into their programs and incorporate trainee-centered cycles of improvement.

Our approach

We propose to develop a series of interactive content and video modules on program evaluation that can be used synchronously or asynchronously to train faculty and lead administrators in the biomedical sciences in effective and equitable evaluation of training programs. We further propose to test our content in five institutions, including an HBCU, with project-trained facilitators leading local learning communities. We will train (and pay) facilitators at these five institutions to lead teams of training grant PI/PDs and administrators in learning through a learning community model. 

As part of our program, we are creating a podcast series and a video module series to use both as in-person and asynchronous learning tools. Overall, our goal is to advance the awareness, confidence and capacity of program PIs and senior administrators to implement effective and efficient program evaluation that leads directly to program improvement and better trainee outcomes.

Get involved

We invite you to be part of this national project to provide effective and efficient program evaluation resources for the country. We invite you to share your voice, (and video) with your experiences in program evaluation, your successes and challenges and hesitancies. We are looking for both experienced training program people as well as novices new and just learning.

We will be at the National Biomedical Training Director's meeting July 8-10 in Bethesda MD with a professional video crew. If you are also attending, we invite you for a 15-30 min casual interview/discussion with basic prompts like, “tell us about your experience with evaluation,” and “what do you want to learn about your program and your trainees?” 

Click here to download our conference poster.

Please email us at to express your interest and find out more.