
Featured Essay

Early Bird Darwin and Evolution, Inextricably Linked With Natural History Collections:  By Dr. Shannon Hackett, Head of Bird Division and Dr. John Bates, Chair of Zoology - Field Museum of Natural History

Past Essays

About One Book One Northwestern:  One Book One Northwestern brings individuals together through the sharing of a common book.  Read President Bienen's letter introducing the project.

Convocation Address:  Dr. Teresa Horton, Chair of the One Book One Northwestern 2008-2009 projected delivered this year's convocation address to incoming students.

Darwin and Morality:  Darwin's ideas, which have at times been misused for social or political purposes, have influenced a rich debate about biology of morality.  By William Irons

The History of Evolutionary Thought:  Darwin was the first to offer a theory of evolution based entirely on empirical evidence.  Yet there were many philosophical hurdles for him to overcome in order to change the field of natural history into a history of nature.  By Olivier Rieppel

You Are What Your Ancestors Ate:  What Diet Tells Us about Our Biological Memories:  When it comes to diet - or any aspect of human health - our understanding is enriched by taking our evolutionary history into account.  By Christopher Kuzawa

Darwin and Religious Thought:  Evolutionary and religious thought do not have to be mutually exclusive.  By Rev. Timothy Stevens.