- What are students saying about One Book?
- Darwin and his works
- Science, Society, and Education
- Evolution and Religion
- Evolution Resources at Northwestern
What are students saying about One Book:
- What are students saying about One Book? Read this article posted on North by Northwestern and feel free to add a comment!
Science, Society, and Education:
- The Lancet: This British medical journal has a special issue dedicated to Darwin's life and the theory of Evolution. The seventeen essays cover everything from eugenics to the representation of Evolution in art. There is also an audio summary.
- Complete Works of Charles Darwin web site: Cannot get enough of Darwin’s work? Then follow this link, and you can read all his published manuscripts, books (including On the Origin of Species), and even his private papers.
- Darwin Digital Library of Evolution: The American Museum of Natural History Library put together this archive of resources on Darwin, the evolution of his theory, and its cultural impact.
- The Guardian’s Darwin Bicentenary: The UK Guardian celebrates the most famous achievement of the British naturalist with a website dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Darwin’s book. You can also read a review of On the Origin of Species entitled "The book that changed the world."
- The Wild Side: Olivia Judson is an evolutionary biologist and New York Times blogger who writes on science and modern life. Read from her recent series where she debates Darwin's title as the 'grandfather of evolution' in "Darwinmania," and read "An Original Confession," where she details both the joys and tribulations of reading On the Origin of Species.
- Evolution: Learn about the PBS produced television mini-series that traveled around the world to examine evolution’s profound effect on society, culture, and life.
- Darwin Day Celebration: Planning the ultimate Darwin Birthday Party? Review what revelers have done in the past to celebrate Darwin’s Birthday, get a preview of what people around the world are currently planning for his 200th Birthday (February 12th, 2009), or voice your thoughts on the Blog for Darwin.
- Darwin 2009 Meeting: Want to attend a four-day conference about Darwin and his influence? The Darwin 2009 Meeting, held at Stony Brook University in November 2009, will feature prominent speakers from the many fields that have been touched by Darwin's influence. Registration is limited.
- Darwin Festival Shrewsbury: Going to England in February? Shrewsbury, Darwin's birthplace, hosts an annual Darwin Festival to celebrate Darwin's life and legacy.
- Darwin: Big Idea Big Exhibition: Visit London before April 19, 2009 and see the biggest ever exhibition about Charles Darwin!
- Nature News Special - Darwin 200: Check out this continuously updated website from Nature journal providing information on Darwin's life, science, and other organizations celebrating his 200th birthday.
Science, Society, and Education:
- Interdisciplinary Committee on Evolutionary Processes: Co-sponsors of this year’s One Book One Northwestern project, ICEP is a collection of Northwestern University faculty interested in the study of evolutionary processes. Interested in studying evolution at Northwestern? Start here.
- The Field Museum’s Evolving Planet: A co-sponsor of this year’s One Book One Northwestern project, the Field Museum houses a permanent exhibit about evolution on Earth. Take a tour through time, learn about evolution at play during various eras and periods, and make plans to visit the exhibit in person.
- Chicago Botanic Garden: Evolution is not just for animals! The Chicago Botanic Garden offers beautiful scenery, and is a co-sponsor of both the One Book One Northwestern project and Northwestern’s Plant Biology and Conservation program. The Garden’s research programs depend upon understanding plant evolution in order to fulfill its mission to preserve and protect plant biodiversity.
- AAAS Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Religion: The American Association for the Advancement of Science (publishers of Science magazine) helps facilitate communication between scientific and religious communities, and has a special program on evolution. Learn more here.
- National Academies of Science: The National Academies of Science provide expert advice on all areas of science and technology. This website provides useful resources and position pieces for the general public. Click here for the online resource, Teaching About Evolution and the Nature of Science.
- National Center for Science Education (NCSE): Self-proclaimed defenders of teaching evolution in public schools, the NSCE is a clearinghouse for resources and information for promoting evolution in public education.
- The University of California-Berkeley Evolution Wing: Learn more about other famous scientists that have contributed to our understanding of Evolution and life, before and after Darwin! Ever wonder why Evolution is important to you? Click to read "How does Evolution impact my life?"
- Talk Origins: Talk Origins is a newsgroup website dedicated to fostering discussion about the intersection between religion and the Theory of Evolution. Participants in discussion threads come to the subject with a variety of views.
- Encyclopedia of Earth: Written by a network of peer-reviewed experts in their fields, the articles in this online resource offer information about the Earth's natural environments and their interplay with society.
- Science Chicago: Life's a Lab: Beginning in September 2008 the City of Chicago is offering a year-long science festival of thousands of programs to awaken the inner-scientist in us all.
- Design in the Age of Darwin: From William Morris to Frank Lloyd Wright: This exhibit at the Block Museum of Art on Northwestern's campus illustrates how the influence of Darwinian thinking has extended into the realms of art, architecture, and design.
Evolution and Religion:
Religious communities hold diverse opinions on Evolution; a sample of that diversity can be found in the links provided below. These links are included as a reference, not as an endorsement of any particular position.
- Assemblies of God: The Assemblies of God published this position paper, "The Doctrine of Creation," as a statement of their views on creation.
- Episcopalian Church: Read answers to common questions about Evolution and science from the Episcopalian Church.
- Islamic Creationism: A Short History: Read this essay by Muslim author, Taner Edis, a Professor at Truman State University, describing the history of Islamic thinking in relation to Evolution.
- Islam: Living Islam and the Concept of Taskhir: This essay, written by a research fellow at the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization in Kuala Lumpur, outlines the concept of taskhir in the Qu'ran as a way to understand nature and Evolution.
- Islam: Harun Yahya: Harun Yahya is the pen name of Adnan Oktar, a Turkish intellectual who is an outspoken opponent of Evolution.
- Islam: Muslim Responses to Evolution: Read an essay about Muslims' varying viewpoints in relation to Evolution.
- Islam: Humankind's Relationship with Nature: This essay argues that Islamic concepts of creation and the scientific theory of Evolution are not mutually exclusive.
- Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod: The second largest Lutheran denomination in the United States, Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, published the above pamphlet to state their position on Evolution. The largest Lutheran denomination, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, has not published an official position statement on Evolution.
- My Jewish Learning: My Jewish Learning, a trans-denominational website on Jewish information and education, published this essay on the variety of positions on Evolution present among Jews.
- Orthodox Church in America: The Orthodox Church in America posted a brief question and answer that outlines the subtleties in the Church's position toward Evolutionary theory.
- Presbyterian Church of the United States: Read the Presbyterian Church's statement on Evolution, theology, and worship.
- Rabbinical Council of America: The Rabbinical Council of America, a professional organization for Orthodox rabbis, has written a position statement on creation, Evolution, and intelligent design.
- United Methodist Church: The United Methodist Church does not as yet have an official statement on Evolution; however, the General Conference in April 2008 voted to adopt the following three motions related to Evolution: Science and Technology, Evolution and Intelligent Design, and God's Creation and the Church.
- Vatican, Pope John Paul II: Read Pope John Paul II's message to the Academy of Sciences about Evolution.
Evolution Resources at Northwestern:
- Interdisciplinary Committee on Evolutionary Processes: Co-sponsors of this year’s One Book One Northwestern program, ICEP is a collection of Northwestern University faculty interested in the study of evolutionary processes. Interested in studying evolution at Northwestern? Start here.
- Northwestern University Library: Northwestern University maintains a website on the History and Philosophy of Science, including some Darwin links.
- CCL NetLogo Project: The Northwestern University Center for Connected Learning has interactive simulations of how evolution and natural selection work. Take some time to play (and learn).
- Darwin Fact Cards: Have you seen the fact cards about Darwin in the dining halls of Northwestern University? If so, and you're interested in knowing more about the sources of these facts, then follow this link.
- CenterPiece: Read articles from the Office of Sponsored Resarch's magazine, CenterPiece, about "Design in the Age of Darwin" and why David Quammen's book was chosen as this 2008-09's One Book.