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Reminders of Campus Safety

Dear members of the Northwestern community, 

Welcome to the 2024-2025 academic year! To help keep you safe this year, here are safety reminders and quick links to resources all in one place that you can save or “favorite” in case you ever need them. 

Update your emergency contact information 

You will automatically get emergency notices (AlertNU) via email. 

However, in a campus emergency, a text or call is likely the quickest way for the University to reach you.  

To make sure your information is correct and we can reach you by text or phone, please check your contact details in our emergency notification system, Rave, using the instructions here. This should take just a couple of minutes. 

Emergency procedures guide 

Review our one-page emergency guide for instructions on what to do in a variety of situations. We recommend that you screenshot or save it to your phone, download it on your computer or consider posting it in common spaces. 

Important safety reminders 

Safety is a shared responsibility, and you can make the difference. Be mindful of yourself, look out for those around you and be aware of your surroundings. This reduces opportunities for crime to occur. 

Safety tips: 

  • Consider adding the NUPD telephone number (847-491-3456 or 312-503-3456) to your cell phone’s favorites to reach University Police or call 911 to report suspicious circumstances or emergencies.  
  • Remain alert at all times while riding your bicycle or scooter and help keep your bicycle or scooter secure. Register your bike and receive a free helmet and light. Check out our bike resources, including info on how to purchase a bike lock. Use a high-quality rigid lock rather than a cable lock and be sure to secure the frame to the bike rack, rather than solely the handlebars or wheels, to better deter theft.  
  • Don’t leave your belongings unattended. The most common campus crime is property theft of items such as wallets, laptops and cell phones. 
  • Always carry your Wildcard and be alert when entering buildings. Don’t prop open exterior doors. Learn more about building access and hours.  
  • Be aware of phishing attempts meant to defraud you. Learn how to protect yourself. 

Safety and wellness resources 

Here are just some of the resources available on campus if you need help or you are in a crisis.

  • NUhelp – guide for students navigating Northwestern's safety, crisis and wellness resources. View a summary roadmap of your options.   
  • NUGuardian – a free app for students to enhance their personal safety by designating phone contacts as “guardians” who walk (virtually) with them.   
  • Safe Ride – free car rides for students at night to avoid walking alone in Evanston after dark. 
  • Free shuttles – free routes for the entire Northwestern community in Evanston and Chicago campuses that run well into the night. 

Report concerns 

If you see something, say something. We have a range of confidential and/or anonymous ways to share a concern. 

  • Wildcats Aware Reporting Form – reporting tool if you know of someone displaying threatening behavior. 
  • EthicsPoint – confidential reporting tool to report fraud, abuse, and other wrongful activity in our community.   
  • Report a Concern – find the best place at Northwestern to share info about a concern, ranging from policy violations to crimes. 

The Department of Safety and Security works around the clock to support your safety and well-being. Please visit our website, which details our services to the University community.