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Sponsoring Departments

Each year, different departments across campus coordinate the One Book One Northwestern program to correspond with the issues covered the book. The 2010-­2011 selection, “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks,” is brought to you by:

NU Ventures in Biology Education

University Ventures in Biology Education (nuViBE) aims to reshape Northwestern students’ undergraduate bioscience education experience and prepare students to successfully pursue cutting-­edge research, advanced degrees and professional careers in the biosciences and biomedical arena. To achieve this goal, University faculty and leadership transformed the introductory biology series by creating the BioEXCEL and NU Bioscientist programs. The underlying aim for each is to motivate students in bioscience and expose them to hands-on, real world research experience.

Office for Research

The Office of Research promotes, facilitates and supports the University’s long history of leadership in multidisciplinary research. More than 90 school-­based centers and 20 University centers conduct interdisciplinary research that spans a wide spectrum of areas, including neuroscience, nanotechnology, biotechnology and drug discovery. The Office of Research assists in fostering research relationships between these University departments and other institutions.

Department of African American Studies

The Department of African American Studies (AFAM) provides opportunities to explore the richness and diversity of the black experience in a meaningful and coherent way. AFAM offers courses that allow students to analyze identity, race and racism as formations that change over time and space. This broad study of the black experience is one of the key features of the department, distinguishing it from similar departments at other institutions.

Multicultural Student Affairs

Multicultural Student Affairs (MSA) aims to provide quality services and programs that support and enhance the collegiate experience, particularly for students of color. MSA strives to play an important role in creating an institutional climate that values diversity and educates the Northwestern community about cultural competence and social justice. Services include advising, advocacy, academic services, programming, community building, outreach, collaboration and leadership training.

Cells to Society

Cells to Society (C2S): The Center on Social Disparities and Health aims to integrate the social, behavioral, biomedical and life sciences to reduce health disparities in the United States. C2S provides an interactive home for Northwestern researchers embarking on groundbreaking research to explore the biological, psychological and social pathways linking socioeconomic status, race/ethnicity, culture and social relationships with healthy human development, psychological well‐being, and longevity.