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Finding Our Office

Social Justice Education is located on the basement level of Scott Hall (601 University Place). A complete directory of staff is included at the bottom of this page, including office rooms and contact information. 

To find us by entering the South end of the building (across from the Arch), you will enter through the main doors and go down one flight of stairs. Once you pass through the basement door at the bottom of the stairs, you will go to your immediate left. 

A wheelchair accessible entrance is located via ramp access to the left of the South doors. To enter from the wheelchair accessible entrance, you will navigate down the ramp and enter the building - Social Justice Education suites are accessible immediately upon entering via this route. 

 To find us by entering the North end of the building (where Cahn Auditorium is located), you will enter through the main doors and go down one flight of stairs and then enter through the double doors to your immediate left. You will walk down a long corridor until you reach the Dean of Students front desk and then go to your immediate right. 

If you have any difficulty in navigating Scott Hall or finding office suites, you are welcome to check-in with staff working at the Dean of Students front desk (located on the lower level as well) for direction. 

Social Justice Staff Directory

Social Justice Staff Directory
Name Title Office Number Email Phone
Devin Moran Director 045 847.467.6357
Qiu Fogarty Associate Director 046

Khyla Breland Assistant Director 047

Mandie Greenwood Administrative Assistant 007

Coming Soon! Graduate Assistant 044


Coming Soon! Graduate Assistant 044


Coming Soon! Peer Inclusion Educator Intern 044


Coming Soon! Peer Inclusion Educator Intern 044