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Examples from Northwestern

Whether through AIR's Faculty Grant Program or as one-off projects, instructors at Northwestern from across disciplines use and create OER. See below for a list of in-process projects, as well as stories and resources related to OER use at Northwestern.


Addressing Evolving Needs with Universal Design for Learning

This resource guides instructors of all levels, backgrounds, and teaching contexts to reflect on the evolving needs of students, and to implement UDL principles to create more supportive, inclusive, and accessible learning environments for all.

Authors: Various Northwestern UDL Practicum Faculty and Staff

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Vector design

Linear algebra: the theory of vector spaces and linear transformations

Written for elementary linear algebra, which covers systems of linear equations, matrix algebra, subspaces, determinants, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, and orthogonality.

Author: Aaron Greicius

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Python code and arrow

Introduction to Data Science with Python

An introduction to Python and Jupyter Notebooks followed by core content on exploratory data analysis. Assignments and project templates used in STAT 303-1 are included.

Authors: Arvind Krishna, Lizhen Shi, Emre Besler, and Arend Kuyper

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map of South America

Temas de hoy en Latinoamérica

Temas de hoy en Latinoamérica is an advanced Spanish OER webbook divided into four modules that cover issues related to identity, politics, history and society in Latin America.

Authors: Elena Lanza and Reyes Morán 

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africa map

Elementary Swahili

An introduction to the basic components of standard Swahili, with particular emphasis on the following language skills: culture, listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This project is currently under development.

Author: Peter Mwangi

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Introduction to Statistics and Data Science

An introduction to the practice of analyzing data and answering questions using data the way statisticians, data scientists, data journalists, and other researchers would. 

Author: Arend Kuyper

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complete and connected graph

Empirical Methods in Political Science: An Introduction

An introduction to empirical methods used in political science, including an introduction to political science and political science research methods more generally. 

Author: Jean Clipperton

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An introductory textbook that covers the impact of chemistry in everyday life, including the chemical processes involved in cooking, eating, drinking, and metabolism. 

Author: Shelby Hatch

View PDF of Textbook


Northwestern Digital Learning Podcast: Open Textbooks

In this episode, Digital Publishing Librarian Chris Diaz guest hosts to share interviews and stories from faculty who participated in the Affordable Instructional Resources (AIR) OER Faculty Grant Program. A full transcript of the episode is available on the Digital Learning website.

NU Digital Learning · Episode 14: Open Textbooks


How to Create Multilevel, Co-authored OER, or Writing Nice, Free Textbooks with Friends

In this 25 minute video, Jon Emery, Assistant Professor of Instruction in the Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) Department, shares his experience of working with the Libraries, students, and colleagues to create a series of openly licensed texts for core MSE courses.


Free, Digital, and Adaptable: Finding and Using OER in your Course

Recorded as part of the Northwestern Practicum for Foundations in Online Teaching, Open Education Librarian Lauren McKeen shares the many benefits of using OER, highlights resources for finding and using OER across disciplines, and explores ideas for engaging students in the knowledge creation process through open pedagogy.


Latest OER grant projects to save 940 students $110K per year by Lauren McKeen McDonald, Northwestern University Libraries Blog (May 2023)

Latest OER grant projects to save 1,650 students $193K per year by Lauren McKeen McDonald, Northwestern University Libraries Blog (May 2022)

How to begin using OER (without making it yourself) by Lauren McKeen McDonald, Northwestern Libraries Blog (March 2022)

A $250 textbook that costs students nothing, by Drew Scott, Footnotes Magazine (Spring 2021)

Create free, digital, and adaptable course caterials with OER grant by Lauren McKeen McDonald, Northwestern Libraries Blog (January 2021)

Latest OER grant projects expected to save 1,300 students $247,000 by Lauren McKeen, Northwestern Libraries Blog (May 2020)

Busted: Top 5 myths about OER by Lauren McKeen, Northwestern Libraries Blog (March 2020)

Northwestern Faculty Senate talks Affordable Instructional Resources, remote learning in Spring Quarter by Isabelle Sarraf, The Daily Northwestern (March 2020)

Northwestern Digital Learning Podcast: Open Textbooks by Chris Diaz, Digital Learning (February 2020)

How to create multilevel, co-authored OER, or ‘Writing Nice, Free Textbooks with Friends’ by Rachel Goc, The Canvas Post (February 2020)

Apply for an Open Educational Resources Development Grant by Chris Diaz, Northwestern Libraries Blog (January 2020)

How OER eliminates the cost and copyright barriers of textbooks by Chris Diaz, Northwestern Libraries Blog (October 2019)

Pilot OER Grant Program to save students $179K in first year by Lauren McKeen, Northwestern Libraries Blog (May 2019)

Librarians support faculty adoption of open digital textbooks by Daniel Pattley, Northwestern Digital Learning (June 2018)

Image Credits

Data Science with Python: Adapted from "Software developer programming code on black background", CC0 via Raw Pixel

Temas de hoy en Latinoamérica: Photo by Leon Overweel on Unsplash  

Linear algebra: the theory of vector spaces and linear transformations:  Adapted from "Two Bases Same Vector," by Maschen - Own work, CC0, via Wikimedia