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Educational Resources

Any sustainable community requires continued education and reflection personally and together. While much of the ways we learn about ourselves and others happens independently we have created these pages to provide a platform to co-build educational resources to help each of us be there for one another and learn more about ourselves.

These educational pages are iterative and completely dependant on the ways the community would like to see them built. We also believe knowledge and perspective does not always come in the form of academic scholarship. If you are a Northwestern community member and know of something that helped you learn about your gender and/or sexuality or that of others, consider sharing it with the GSRC to potentially be posted on these pages so the community can also engage. Send links to with the subject "educational resource." We are currently only considering resources shared through the Northwestern community, if you are a business or organization this co-building project does not apply to you.

“The academy is not paradise. But learning is a place where paradise can be created.” — bell hooks