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Occupancy of Dwelling Units- City of Evanston Ordinance 6-4-1-14

This ordinance requires that no more than 3 unrelated individuals live in any living unit, apartment, or house that is being rented. The definitions of the various types of "families" is found in 6-18-3 Definitions. The zoning board may notify landlords that they must choose to pay a fine or terminate the lease and evict tenants where there are more than 3 unrelated people in one apartment or rental house.

Other City of Evanston codes include:

Illinois “Social Host Law”

Effective January 1, 2013, Illinois law now states that individuals can be arrested and face criminal charges for simply allowing or permitting individuals under the age of 21 to drink alcohol at their residence or on their property - even if the individual did not directly supply or provide the underage person with alcohol. Students who host social events (whether on or off campus) are expected to monitor their parties and make sure that underage people are not drinking in their residence, room, or property.

Individuals who violate this law:
“Safe Harbor” Provision

Thus, students are strongly encouraged to contact the police immediately if they are unable to control guests at their party or if guests refuse to comply with the host’s attempts to prevent underage drinking.

Full text of the law