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Task Force Report

Gender Queer, Non-Binary, Transgender Task Force Report

The Gender Queer, Non-Binary, and Trans (GQNBT) Task Force met monthly from October 2018 to June 2019 to discuss a wide range of issues that are relevant to promoting the well-being of trans and gender non-conforming students, staff, and faculty at Northwestern University. Specifically, the group assessed the current landscape to identify gaps in policies and resources, and to recommend strategies that will facilitate an accessible, safe, and welcoming campus environment for trans and gender non- conforming students, faculty, and staff at Northwestern. This report presents a summary of the task force recommendations, as well as additional materials that can aid specific institutional actors in their implementation.

NOTE: The final section (Appendix C) of this document includes a Student Survey Report which was an independent, student led, informal survey, that provided the GQNBT Task Force Co-Chairs further context about the reported experiences of transgender and nonconforming students. Nine undergraduate and graduate students designed, conducted, and analyzed this Gender Queer, Non-Binary, and Transgender Student (GQNBT) Priorities and Experience Survey in cooperation with the LGBTQ+ Student Advisory Board in Multicultural Student Affairs and the GQNBT Task Force. These students represent leadership and membership in the LGBTQ+ Student Advisory Board, Rainbow Alliance, the Queer Pride Graduate Student Association, and the Black Graduate Student Association.