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Below are some commonly asked questions and our responses.Which attorney in the Office of General Counsel should I contact if I need legal assistance?
How can I contact the Office of General Counsel?
May I hire an outside attorney for University business?
Can the Office of General Counsel recommend a personal attorney?
Who does the Office of General Counsel represent?
Can the Office of General Counsel represent or give legal advice to individual faculty members, students or staff on non-University matters?
What should I do if I need something notarized?
Our office can notarize University-related documents including but not limited to contracts, affidavits, and trusts. Contact Michele Ortiz at michele.ortiz@northwestern.edu or 847-467-6270 or Rebecca Glaser at rebecca.glaser@northwestern.edu or 847-491-7689 and they will inform you of the appropriate procedure.
What should I do if I receive a subpoena, summons or court order or if I am contacted by an attorney in connection with University business?
If you receive a summons or court order, or are contacted by an attorney in connection with University business, you should immediately direct them to or contact the Office of General Counsel (847-491-5605).
Our office will coordinate the appropriate response to such legal inquiries. Under no circumstances should any information be disclosed or University documents be released without prior notification and approval from the Office of General Counsel.
What should I do if I need a contract reviewed, approved and signed?
If you receive a proposed contract from another educational institution, outside agency, vendor or other third party you should consult the Office of General Counsel’s contract review process site https://www.northwestern.edu/general-counsel/contract-review-process.html. It has information about when agreements require additional review by our office, links to other resources on campus, and the proper procedures for contract signatures.
Contact the Office of General Counsel’s Contract Manager, Richard Cummo at richard.cummo@northwestern.edu if you have any contract review questions or if you need other assistance.
I am an international student or scholar and I have questions about my visa or immigration status. What should I do?
The International Office will be able to provide you with more information and support. Students and scholars who have issues with their visas -- or anyone concerned -- should contact the International Office. Email intoff@northwestern.edu or call 847-491-5613.