The Conversation: Remembering Yi-Fu Tuan: The most influential scholar you’ve never heard of
To quote Yi-Fu Tuan, “People think that geography is about capitals, landforms and so on. But it is also about place — its emotional tone, social meaning, and generative potential.” Tuan is considered a founder of Humanistic Geography, and Kelley A. McClinchey offers a moving and informative eulogy that takes us both through his career and through many of the core concerns of this vital emergent field.
Read more on Yi-Fu Tuan
Geographies of Racial Capitalism with Ruth Wilson Gilmore
This sixteen minute film, produced by the Antipode Foundation, functions as a micro-course on Racial Capitalism and Abolition Geography. It features Ruth Wilson Gilmore, a foundational thinker and activist in the field of Carceral Geography
Watch Geographies of Racial Capitalism with Ruth Wilson Gilmore
Carceral Geographies
Anna Schliehe has compiled an illuminating bibliography that explores the field of Carceral Geography, the study of how confinement and closed spaces reflect state interests and power, and how they impact humans at the scale of community and self
Read Carceral Geographies.
“Third places” as community builders
This essay by nonpartisan think tank the Brookings Institute discusses the importance of third places for generation and maintenance of community.
Read essay.