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Christian Keeve '15

Christian Keeve graduated in 2015 with a degree in Environmental Sciences and African-American Studies. After working on multiple projects around public service, environmental education, and food justice, they are now completing an MS degree in Geography at the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Their current research focuses on seedkeeping as a cultural and political praxis, and the breaks between those practices and the more-than-human materialities of seeds themselves, with a special focus on the power of seeds and vegetal life more broadly as sites of historical grounding for African-American environmental legacies. Their graduate career has produced a couple of publications, including Cosmic Assemblages and Radical Descents, in the online journal Alienocene and Fugitive Seeds, in the online journal Edge Effects; they are also proud to have co-founded a Black Diasporic food and seed eco-cultural ‘experiment station’ at multiple sites in Madison. In Fall of 2020, Christian is starting a PhD in Geography at the University of Kentucky.