Learning about Islamophobia and Building Working Groups
Dear Northwestern Community,
We hope that your spring break is restful and restorative.
Our committee continues to meet and engage in meaningful work. Last week, we had the pleasure of hearing from Juan Cole, the Richard P. Mitchell Collegiate Professor of History at the University of Michigan and a 1975 Northwestern alumnus. Professor Cole provided the committee with a historical overview of Islamophobia and helped us understand the connections to anti-Arab and anti-Palestinian biases. We are grateful to continue learning.
We also formed and charged a number of workgroups that will help the committee better understand what is happening at Northwestern; where we see curricular and teaching possibilities; how we can better listen to students, staff and faculty; to assess what our peers are doing to address these pressing issues; and to move toward recommendations to President Schill and Provost Hagerty. The workgroups include committee members and others at Northwestern with expertise to help advance our efforts. Some of these workgroups have already met; others are scheduled to meet between quarters.
Bryan and Effi had three additional meetings to help move the committee’s work forward.
We remain committed to our charge and to working together to serve Northwestern’s remarkable students, staff and faculty, as well as the broader University community.
Thank you for your continued support.
Bryan and Effi (on behalf of the Committee)
For all updates, please visit the Committee Updates page.