Bertha A. Klien, MD
School of Medicine, Ophthalmology Department, 1928 and 1945-1946

Bertha A. Klien (1892-1964) worked in Northwestern’s ophthalmology department from 1945-1946. She was born in Burgo, Austria in 189 and received her MD at the University of Vienna in 1925. She first worked as an assistant professor of Ophthalmology at Northwestern in 1928 before serving as an associate professor at Rush Medical College, University of Illinois, as well as at Northwestern. She then transitioned to the same role at the University of Chicago in 1955. In 1959, she was recognized as a full professor. Along with Dr. Alex Krill at UIC, Dr. Klien provided the first and only clinical, histologically correlation of fungus flavimaculatus and coined the term “flecked retina syndrome.”