Professional & Support Organizations
Please note, many of these health professions-focused organizations also offer student memberships and programs, workshops, scholarships, internships, and fellowships.
American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES)
Founded in 1977, the American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) is a national, nonprofit organization focused on substantially increasing the representation of American Indians, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders, First Nations and other indigenous peoples of North America in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) studies and careers. AISES has awarded over $11 million in academic scholarships to American Indian STEM students.
Association of American Indian Physicians (AAIP)
Provides educational forums, workshops, and conferences in the medical disciplines for American Indian and Alaska Native physicians. Works to help students pursue a health profession career, thereby increasing the number of AI/AN medical professionals in the workforce.
Association of Clinicians for the Underserved (ACU)
A transdisciplinary organization of clinicians, advocates, and healthcare organizations that provide healthcare for the underserved. Provides professional education, clinical tools, advocacy, patient education, training, and technical assistance.
Center for American Indian Health
The Center for American Indian Health at Johns Hopkins University partners with Native American/Indigenous communities to improve health and well-being. Founded in 1991 and based in the Department of International Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, the Center supports public health interventions designed for and by Native peoples. The Center has offices in tribal communities across Arizona and New Mexico as well as a Great Lakes Hub serving tribes in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and along the shared border with Canada.
Center for Native American/Indigenous and Indigenous Research
The Center for Native American/Indigenous and Indigenous Research (CNAIR) is Northwestern University’s primary institutional space dedicated to advancing scholarship, teaching, learning, and artistic or cultural practices related to Native American/Indigenous and Indigenous communities, priorities, histories, and lifeways.
Indian Health Service
The Indian Health Service, an agency within the Department of Health and Human Services, is responsible for providing federal health services to American Indians and Alaska Natives. The provision of health services to members of federally-recognized tribes grew out of the special government-to-government relationship between the federal government and Indian tribes.
National Alaska Native American Indian Nurses Association (NANAINA)
The National Alaska Native American Indian Nurses Association’s mission is to promote a continuum of health among Native Americans; to serve the professional needs of Native American nurses; to cooperate with other professional associations, health care organizations and governmental entities in matters affecting the purposes of NANAINA; and to recommend culturally appropriate health-service delivery solutions where barriers to Native American consumers exist.
National Indian Council on Aging
The mission of NICOA is to advocate for improved comprehensive health, social services and economic well-being for American Indian and Alaska Native Elders. In addition to providing service through several grants from agencies within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, NICOA operates as a National Sponsor of the federal Senior Community Service Employment program (SCSEP) in fourteen states through a grant from the Department of Labor.
National Center for American Indian Health Professions
The NCAIHP provides prospective American Indian and Alaska Native students with healthcare career advising, assistance with admissions applications, financial advising, academic support, and more. The NCAIHP is dedicated to helping American Indians and Alaska Natives to become physicians, dentists, physician assistants, and other healthcare professionals.
Native American/Indigenous Center for Health Professions
The Native American/Indigenous Center for Health Professions is located within the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. Our vision is to improve the health and wellness of American Indian people
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Association
SAMHSA recognizes that tribal communities face behavioral health challenges and disparities.
For American Indians and Alaska Natives, multiple factors influence health outcomes, including historical trauma and a range of social, policy, and economic conditions such as poverty, under-employment, lack of access to health care, lower educational attainment, housing problems, and violence.
Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science
For more than 37 years, SACNAS has worked to improve and expand opportunities for minorities in scientific industries and academia. Includes graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.
Women Empowering Women for Indigenous Nations
Women Empowering Women for Indigenous Nations (WEWIN) exists to provide Native women with the knowledge, support, and resources necessary to achieve success in their personal and professional lives. The WEWIN Annual Conference is an opportunity for Native women to engage in professional renewal, inspire others and network.