Finding Your Fit
It is important for all aspiring doctors to find the right fit in a medical school. This is especially true for LGBTQ+ students seeking an inclusive, welcoming, and supportive environment in which to undertake their medical education.
Assessing Schools
As you consider where to apply or where to attend, use the following questions and factors to assess how supportive and inclusive a school might be and if it is the right fit for you.
Questions to Ask Yourself - It is important to check in with yourself and reflect during the medical school application process. Here are some questions to ask yourself and reflect on before applying, during the application process, and after an interview.
Questions to Ask Others - Gathering as much information as possible during the application process can help you make an informed decision about your fit and your future. Consider these questions for medical students or medical schools during interview day visits.
Things to Look for - There are many factors to consider when determining the best fit for your medical school journey. Here are some of the things you may want to look for on medical schools' websites and during an interview day visit.