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Image of two girls making things out of pipe cleaners, wires and popsicle sticks.WiSTEM (Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) is an Evanston Township High School (ETHS) student group that, with the support of Northwestern University mentors and our office, helps facilitate the retention of young women in advanced STEM-coursework.

WiSTEM meetings provide a platform for community and conversation by fostering a safe, supportive and encouraging environment for all students who feel like their gender identity is underrepresented in STEM. The ETHS student organization has grown from nine to over 140 participants each year.  The programming has also expanded from monthly meetings to student panels, guest speakers, shadow days, design challenges, outreach opportunities and special events. WiSTEM provides an opportunity for many Northwestern University student organizations and laboratories to engage with young women in the pipeline. Partner organizations include: Ddigital Youth Network, Society of Women Engineers, Grad SWE, Girls Empowered by Engineering, Math, and Science (GEMS), Women in Computing (WIC), Center for Bionic Medicine, and The Darkest Horse.
