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Add a New Page

From time to time you will need to add new pages to your website. There are several ways to do that in Cascade.

  1. Select the Relevant Website: Ensure you're adding new content to the intended website by choosing it from the My Sites widget or the site selector drop-down in the black toolbar.

  2. Access the Add Content Feature: Once the desired site is selected, locate and click on the "Add Content" button in the top header. This action will display a list of available page types and other assets that you can create in Cascade. You can also utilize the search function to find specific options. For this example, let's consider using the "Standard Left Nav Page." 

  3. Edit the New Page: Upon selecting the desired page type, a new edit pop-up form will appear. Please note that fields marked with a red star are mandatory. You can refer to our Pattern Library to explore common page types across our sites.Clicking on the page type opens a new edit form. Fields marked with a red star are required fields. You can reference our Pattern Library for page types that are common across our sites.
    1. The first field on the edit form is the "Placement Folder." By default, it is set to the root directory of your site. However, you should modify it to the folder of your choice. Clicking to choose a different folder opens a panel from the right-hand side, allowing you to select from a list of recently visited folders (default view) or browse through the entire site. Please note that changing the placement folder or parent folder for an asset later on is possible, but we advise against it once assets have been live on the site for some time. This prevents broken links and potential negative impacts on site SEO.
    2. Enter a title (required field) and an optional display name for your asset. The display name defaults to the asset's title and appears in the navigation (top and left) and breadcrumbs. Use the display name only when the asset's title is too long.

      Note: Your page title should be in title case. When you save a new asset, the title is automatically converted to all lower case; spaces are replaced with dashes so the URL of that asset is all lowercase.
    3. Display in Navigation: Select the "Display in Navigation" option to determine whether the asset should appear or remain hidden in the navigation. The default selection is "Yes."
  4. Save and Preview: After filling in all the necessary fields, locate and click the "Save and Preview" option highlighted in blue in the top header. This enables you to preview the new asset before saving it permanently.

  5. Permanent Saving: Once you click "Save and Preview," a popup message will appear in the top right corner, notifying you that the draft has been saved. To save your asset permanently, click on the "Click Submit" link in the popup. Another popup will appear, allowing you to add comments if desired. Click "Submit" to save your asset successfully. A confirmation popup will then appear, confirming the successful save of the asset.

  6. Disable Publishing (Optional): To prevent accidental publishing, it is recommended to disable publishing for the new page until you're ready to make it live. This step is particularly crucial when multiple content editors are involved. To do this, locate the page in your folder tree, go to Edit --> Configure option, and uncheck the "Include when publishing" checkbox. Additionally, you can uncheck the "Include when indexing" checkbox to remove it from appearing in the site navigation. Remember to enable indexing and publishing again when you're ready to go live. 

Note: Remember to re-enable publishing when you're prepared to make the page live. If you wish to add content to the new page, refer to the "Edit a Page" section of this document.