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Interfaith at Northwestern is inclusive of religious, spiritual, and philosophical pathways which seek to establish meaning and purpose in life. This interfaith movement happens in formal and informal ways, and is supported and encouraged by the office of Religious & Spiritual Life.

Our Mission Statement is:

“to promote competency, foster community, and build collaboration among religious, spiritual and philosophical pathways of meaning and purpose in

You may be interested in Interfaith activities if you:

At the beginning of Fall and Winter quarters, Northwestern Religious and Spiritual Life hosts Reverse Baccalaureate, an interfaith gathering for students. All are welcome to join for a time of reflection, music, and special offerings from Northwestern students. These gatherings conclude with an optional interfaith blessing for students as they begin a new quarter.

FALL QUARTER: Thursday, September 28th, 2023 | 6:30 PM | Alice Millar Chapel

  • Reverse Baccalaureate: An Interfaith Blessing

WINTER QUARTER: Thursday, January 18th, 2023 | 6:30 PM | Alice Millar Chapel

  • Reverse Baccalaureate: An Interfaith Blessing