About the Daniel I. Linzer Award for Faculty Excellence in Diversity and Equity
The Daniel I. Linzer Award for Faculty Excellence in Diversity and Equity was founded in 2016. Awards are made by nomination of a faculty member or members. Nominations should clearly demonstrate how the individual or group has led an effort, initiative, or project to build greater diversity, inclusion, and equity in areas including but not limited to sex, gender identity or expression, race, ethnicity, disability, socioeconomic status, age, political affiliation, religion, philosophy, or sexual orientation. Projects should demonstrate a positive and collaborative approach to achieving this goal.
Full-time faculty of all ranks, including tenure-line, clinical, instructional, research and library, and in all departments or programs are eligible for nomination. Joint nominations for initiatives that involve two or more faculty members from one or more units or departments are also eligible.
Award Amount
Up to two awards in the amount of $5,000 (taxable) are made each year.
Any member of the Northwestern community (student, faculty, trainee, staff or alum) may nominate a faculty member, unit or department. Self-nominations are not permitted.
All nominations should be submitted using the online form. The nomination should explain how the nominee or nominees have worked to build a more diverse, inclusive and equitable climate at Northwestern University.
November 15, 2024
Selection Process
Nominations are reviewed by the Provost's Office and faculty members are selected in consultation with the Faculty Senate.
Questions can be directed to to Jordan Hughes, Director of Academic Initiatives, at provostawardsandgrants@northwestern.edu