Boundless Solidarity.
JubilAsian is an annual celebration hosted by Northwestern University’s Multicultural Student Affairs office as part of APIDA (Asian, Pacific Islander, and Desi American) Heritage Month, celebrated in May. JubilAsian is a celebration of the vibrancy, diversity, and resilience of the APIDA community at Northwestern and beyond. Each year, JubilAsian is planned by a dedicated committee of NU APIDA students who help shape its theme, goals, and structure.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused fear, uncertainty, and anxiety for many of us, particularly for members of the APIDA communtiy who face heightened xenophobic and anti-Asian rhetoric, hate, and violence. Oppression operates by making us feel powerless and alone. These feelings are especially prevalent at a time when physical distancing and shelter-in-place requirements pose challenges to previous ways we connect and build community.
This year, JubilAsian 2020 is a month-long celebration focusing on the theme of Boundless Solidarity. We aim to highlight, embrace, and encourage the ways in which the APIDA community has and continues to transcend our boundaries and connect: to our history and ancestors, to our identity and culture, to our families (both chosen and given) and community, and with each other.
In times like this, we hope JubilAsian 2020 will serve as a reminder that solidarity is boundless. When we stand in solidarity, we overcome the separations of time and space we currently experience. We unite across the diversity of identities and experiences that comprise our community.
While this year’s JubilAsian may look different from previous years, we are excited to still provide ways for our community to come together and honor our community’s power, pride, and resilience.