
How to Speak Northwestern

Northwestern has a language all its own. Linguist Elisabeth Elliott, director of Slavic languages, launched a winter quarter course to identify the words that members of the University community use to communicate. The 17 class members created the Northwestern e-Dictionary, a 112-entry Wiki-style dictionary. Students will continue to develop the dictionary when the class is offered again next spring.

Here are a few entries from the NeD:

Imaginary engineers [ima jin a ree in jin eerz] n: Refers to industrial engineering majors, reflecting a stereo­type that industrial engineers have less work than other engineering majors.
That’s because you’re an imaginary engineer.

Medildo [mu-DIL-dō] n: A student in the Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications. This term is generally used when describing a Medill student who is annoyingly self-righteous or aggressively enterprising. Usually used by students who are not within Medill.
He kept badgering me for an interview. He’s such a Medildo.

Nerdwestern [nərdwestərn ] n: 1. A nickname for Northwestern, referring to the academic inclination of the students. 2. A hashtag often used after an anecdote about a nerdy instance at Northwestern or by Northwestern students.
You know you go to Nerdwestern when there are students reading Anna Karenina at the football game.

Skinny arm [skinee ärm] n: The pose with an arm on your hip and turned a little sideways in order to make yourself appear skinnier in a picture.
We’re doing a group picture? Everyone do the skinny arm.

Share your Northwestern lingo on the Speak Northwestern Facebook page. Check out the NeD and Elliott’s companion project, WildWords.

Tell us what you think. E-mail comments or questions to the editors at

Ever wonder about those strange designations we use throughout Northwestern to identify alumni of the various schools of the University? See the complete list.