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Northwestern Students

Health Professions Advising has guided thousands of health profession applicants toward their career goals and dreams. We continue to actively build a list of alumni underrepresented in the health professions who are willing to connect with pre-health students and applicants. We are happy to try to connect you with similarly-identified alumni that might be able to offer insights about their experiences with the application process of your chosen health professions track. To get connected to your HPA advisor visit our Get Advising page

Northwestern Alumni

Northwestern undergraduate alumni continue to have access to Health Professions Advising services. To request HPA services, please use our appointment request form

Northwestern Alumni Mentors

The Northwestern Network Mentorship Program is an easy-to-use online platform designed to cultivate meaningful mentorship opportunities for the global Northwestern community. Students and alumni can use the platform to connect with alumni in various career fields, including the health professions. For more information on finding a mentor, or becoming a mentor, visit the Northwestern Mentorship Program website. 

Non-Northwestern Students

The National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions (NAAHP) offers free advising services to students without these resources or access to these resources at their home institution. The advisors volunteer their time to support students seeking a career in the health professions. For more information, visit their Find an Advisor page