Career Services Anti-Discrimination Statement
Northwestern’s Policy on Institutional Equity prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, parental status, marital status, age, disability, citizenship status, veteran status, genetic information, reproductive health decision making, or any other classification protected by law (referred to as “protected classes”) in matters of admissions, employment, housing, or services, or in the educational programs or activities Northwestern operates.
NU’s Interim Policy on Title IX Sexual Harassment applies to sexual misconduct that occurs within specific geographic and programmatic parameters.
Other forms of misconduct not covered by this policy or the Interim Title IX Policy on Sexual Harassment may be addressed by other Northwestern policies (e.g. Student Handbook, Faculty Handbook, and Staff Handbook). The University has adopted the following standards of conduct for all members of our community – students, faculty, and staff, as well as University vendors, contractors, visitors, guests, volunteers, interns, and third parties.
Any alleged violations of these policies or questions with respect to nondiscrimination should be directed to Northwestern’s Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance 1800 Sherman Avenue, Suite 4-500, Evanston, Illinois 60201.
Employer Expectations
Although the above-mentioned policies do not explicitly apply to external partners, it is our expectation that alumni and employer partners uphold these principles during recruitment activities and professional experiences with students including, but not limited to co-ops, internships, and practicums. On a regular basis, the Career Services Offices at Northwestern will inform our partners of these expectations and inform students of their options for reporting concerns of discrimination or harassment experienced during such activities and experiences.
Students can report concerns about specific employers or supervisors either to any of the career services offices at Northwestern, or directly to Northwestern’s Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance. The Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance will maintain records of any such report and will coordinate an appropriate response to the concern with a panel of Northwestern career service professionals. The panel of career service professionals will review any concern and consult with the Northwestern staff member or office who manages the relationship with the employer or supervisor. The panel will then make recommendations regarding follow up actions to the office or individual who manages the relationship. Final decision for implementation of any next steps will rest with the office or individual who manages the relationship with support from the career services panel and the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance. When considering next steps, the panel will review the current concerns in context of past and/or future concerns. Next steps may include:
- Discussion and written documentation of Northwestern’s concerns with the organization’s supervisor and/or human resources.
- Issuance of warning letter, citing relevant information along with criteria for improvement. Notification of career services staff of the determination.
- Suspension of recruiting privileges and university-sanctioned work experiences. A list of currently suspended employers will be maintained for students to view within the university recruiting software systems. Notification of career services staff of the determination.
- Termination of recruiting privileges and university-sanctioned work experiences. A list of terminated employers will be maintained for students to view within the university recruiting software systems. Notification of career services staff of the determination.
Recruiting relationships may be reinstated at the discretion of the individual or office that manages the recruiting relationship.
Notification of this Statement
Each year via email, the career services offices at Northwestern will notify students and employers of these expectations.