Independent Summer Programs
Before you begin the Independent summer program process, consider the following:
- Northwestern Study Abroad Administrative Fee (SAAF): You must pay the Northwestern SAAF in addition to the fees charged by your program.
- No financial assistance is available through Northwestern for Independent Summer programs: This includes federal loans, federal/state grants, Northwestern scholarship, parent/private loans, and other forms of aid. Read more about financial considerations for independent summer programs below.
- Citizenship or residency in the country of study: If you intend to study in a country where you have citizenship and/or permanent residency, alert the Independent Programs Adviser as soon as possible as there may be a different process for you to follow.
- Non-credit participation: If you are pursuing a summer program for the experience and are not interested in transferring credit back to Northwestern, refer to the Non-credit Participation section below.
- Program-specific advising not available: GLO is not able to provide specialized program advising for independent summer programs.
- Start your Northwestern application for permission to study abroad: After fully reading this page, begin your Independent Summer program application. Applications typically open in November and are due by February 25th.
- Contact the Independent Summer Programs Adviser, Aline Vivirito-Valais, if you have questions about participating in an independent summer program.
What is an Independent Summer Program?
All programs during the Summer Quarter, except for Northwestern and GESI Summer Programs and Partner Summer Programs, are considered by GLO to be Independent Summer Programs, even if Northwestern is partner with that program or program provider during other terms. For example, CIEE programs are independent during the summer, even though students can participate on some CIEE programs on an partner basis during the academic year.
Since Northwestern offers a limited number of summer programs, students may be granted permission to study abroad on independent summer programs as long as the program dates do not conflict with our quarter calendar, the program issues an official transcript from an accredited university or program provider, and the courses are transferable to Northwestern. Note that multi-location programs will not be approved on an independent basis because they do not meet our standards for cultural immersion.
Finding a Program
Refer to the How to Find an Independent Summer Program tip sheet to learn more about how to find an independent summer program. You are encouraged to review the Suggested Independent Summer Programs List first.
Northwestern strongly encourages students to apply to programs on the Suggested Independent Summer Programs List. These programs have been vetted and approved by the University Study Abroad Committee (USAC) and the Office of Global Safety and Security (OGSS) during the academic year, and we already have close working relationships with them. They also meet our standards for quality in terms of academic rigor, housing, cultural immersion, administrative support services, health, safety, and security. Given today's global environment, we value these close relationships more than ever.
If you are planning to participate in a program on the restricted travel list, you must submit a Travel Permission Request before your application will be reviewed.
Please note that, given the countless number of independent summer program options, GLO is not able to provide specialized program advising for independent summer programs.
Next Steps & Application Process
If you seek to transfer credit back from an independent summer program, you must complete the following next steps once you have identified your program of interest:
Financial Considerations
Transferring Credit upon Return
Like students who participate in partner study abroad programs, study abroad credit is treated as transfer credit for students who have been approved to participate on independent summer programs. Make sure your program's official transcript is sent to:
Global Learning Office
1800 Sherman Ave, STE 4-400
Evanston, Illinois 60208
The Office of the Registrar will review the program/foreign institution transcript and assign general, elective credit as long as students enrolled in transferable courses, took courses for official letter grades (not pass/fail), and earned the equivalent of a "C" or above. Read more about credit transfer procedures.
You must enroll in a minimum of 2 semester credits to a maximum of 10 semester credits total on your program (2 semester credits = 1 NU quarter credit, 10 semester credits = 4 NU quarter credits). Courses worth 1 semester credit will not transfer to NU.
You may be required to request and pay for an external evaluation by Educational Credential Evaluators (ECE) following completion of your program to be able to transfer credit back to Northwestern. Refer to the Transfer Credit Policies page of the Office of the Registrar for more information.
Non-credit Participation
If you are pursuing a summer program for the experience and are not interested in transferring credit back to Northwestern:
- You only complete the program application for admission. You do not need to complete the Northwestern Application for permission to study abroad.
- The program will bill you directly for the program costs.
- You will not be charged the Northwestern SAAF.
- You can add the experience to your resume, but it will never be reflected on your Northwestern transcript. Moreover, you cannot return from the program and seek credit, as Northwestern does not allow retroactive credit.
Suggested Program Partners & Institutions
These program providers and institutions, with whom Northwestern affiliates during the academic year, also offer summer programs.