
Come On In

And take a fresh look at students' dorm rooms. You'll see some familiar faces.

Christine's Room

Posters of music icons and infamous movie villains line the walls. There's the grinning Animal House frat boy John Belushi, a friendly photo of Beatles bandmates John and Paul, and Kramer from Seinfeld.

But not all dorm decor is old made new again. Hobart House resident Kristin Coveney has a collage of family photos on the wall beside her bed, and she created a dresser-top mirror framed with a border of rolled magazine pages. Her roommate, Lillianna Franco, decked her walls with inspirational quotes. The hot spot in their room is the comfy chair in the warmly lit corner beside the radiator.

Two vintage lamps and a small table adorned with her name make Hobart feel like home for Kylie Ruehlow. But she says the best decoration is the sugar maple -- glowing yellow in fall, snow covered in winter, bursting with green buds in spring -- outside her third-floor window.